Chapter Three

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*Emz POV*

I decided to go for a smoke whilst everyone else finished getting themselves ready, luckily it was no longer raining so I was able to stand in the courtyard area while I waited and smoked. I looked to the door when I heard chatting and laughing. I felt my heart flutter with nerves when I saw the group.  First was Padge followed by the other members of the band, Jay, Moose amd lastly Matt. After being told who they were earlier I was easily able to put names to faces. Padge looked over as he heard my heel clank on the stone floor as I shuffled on my feet. He waved over to me before walking over.

'Let me guess, need to borrow my lighter?' I teased. He pulled one out of his own pocket, smiling. 'I'm impressed' I passed him a smoke to save him from having to get one out. He was wearing a navy shirt and baggy jeans.

'Thanks. You look lovely.' I blushed. Thanks goodness for it being dark enough outside. The other guys were stood around near the door waiting for him. He waved them to come over. I honestly thought someone would hear my heart pumping away like mad. 'This is Emz, she is working with the Most Haunted crew.' He introduced me to everyone.

'Hey' I gave a small shy wave, stubbing out my cigarette and throwing it in the bin.

Oh, yeah, so this is Moose.' He pointed. Moose held out a hand for me to shake,  which I did. Moose had his hair slightly brushed back and was wearing a pantera tshirt and black trousers.

'Jay' Jay introduced himself catching me off guard with a hug. 'You're in for so much fun' he made me laugh. He had his hair slightly spiked up and wore a black shirt with a white top under that along with some black baggy trousers.

'And then that's Matt' Padge carried on. I looked to Matt he had his short hair styled so it was slightly across his eyes. He wore a short sleeved red and black checked shirt that had and hood and black skinny jeans. He took a moment to look at me, he smiled as I offered him my hand, which he took and placed a small kiss in the back of my hand. If I wasn't blushing enough before I most certainly was now.

'Nice to meet you' he said as he let my hand go.

'You too. It's great to meet you all.' I said to the group.  'Are you all going out for the meal too?' I questioned.

'Yup. And everyone better hurry up, i'm starving' Moose said as he held his stomach. 

'we can head down there now if you want. I know which restaurant we're going to.' I said to no one in particular.

'Come on then, what are we waiting for?' Jay said.

'it's just down the end of the high street and round the corner. It's called Hunters Hall.' He nodded before turning to leave as did the others.  'Two secs' I called after them as i pulled my phone out and began typing a text to Yvette to let her know we had gone on ahead.  I looked up from my phone to see that Matt and Padge had waited for me as Moose and Jay were walking down the road. 'Thank you.' I smiled.

'Wouldn't have you walking down the street on your own.' Padge said as he offered me his arm for me to link with him, which I did as we took off after the hungry pair.

'So are you both looking forward to tomorrow?' I asked them.

'I'll be honest, I'm kind of skeptical about the whole thing. I'm not saying it doesn't exist,  I just need to see it to belive it' Padge answered. I nodded fully understanding what he had said. I looked to Matt who was walking to my left.

'I'm a bit more open to it. I want something to happen.' He said.

'Really? So we will be sending you off for lone visuals then' I said with a raised eyebrow.

'I'll admit I'd probably shit myself if something did happen, but I still want it too. I might do depending how the night goes' I laughed. 'How are you feeling about the investigation? '

' Nervous. Belive me, each time we film its scarier than the last. No matter how many times youve seen things move or things get thrown, you never get used to it. I've heard quite a few things about Newton House so I'm hoping we are in for a good two nights.'

Moose and Jay were stood waiting at the front of the building waiting for us to catch up. I let go of Padges arm as Jay ushered me infront of them to go into the resturant first. 'Tsk,  children' I tutted loud enough for him to hear. I led the way into the resturant where I was greeted by an aged man.

'Welcome to Hunters Hall. Do you have a reservation? ' He asked.

'Yes. There should be a reservation under fielding.' He looked at his book to locate the name.

'Ah yes, we have you booked into the private room upstairs.  Is this all of your group?' He looked behind me.

'No we are still waiting on four people.  They should be arriving in the next few minutes.' I explained to him.  He then took us up a flight of stairs to a medium sized room that had a few tables spread about and a large banquet table in the centre. The room had a very cosy type feeling to it. He told us that we were to be seated at the main table and that he would return for our drink orders. He took my jacket from me as I was the only one wearing one.

'It's nice in here' Moose said to no on in particular as he took a look around the room and at the art on the walls.

We gathered around the table and picked our seats, agreeing that karl and Yvette should be at the head and foot of the table with them being the hosts. Padge sat next to the head of the table so I sat to his left, Moose sat opposite him, Matt opposite me and then Jay, after I told him I had to sit next to someone otherwise I'd be hanged. The elderly chap came back into the room and took down the drinks orders which were all jack and coke, I had to chuckle to myself. We all ended up in a conversation about favourite drinks.

There was talking from the stairwell as people ascended. I could hear Steph saying that I had better be here and that she wanted words. Karl was the first to enter saying his hellos, Yvette followed clapping her hands and send hurrying to take her seat at the end of the table between Moose and Padge. She had obvious already been to see them when she had gotten  to the hotel. Steph walked in and walked towards the table, she paused and I think her jaw fell to the floor when she saw who was sat around the table. She looked at me and mouthed 'bitch' I just stuck my tongue out at her. She carried on over to the table and took a seat next to me. As she sat down she elbowed me in the ribs.

'Hey again' Jay said to her from across the table. I gave her a questioning glance and them i remembered she told me about falling into someone.

"Hello.' She smiled.

'So introductions.' Yvette said as she stood up.  'I can see you've already met Emz. This other hot girl here is Stephanie,  or just Steph.  She will be part of our camera crew. Steph,  meet bullet for my valentine." She then went on to introduce each of the guys.

'I'm going to kill you later woman' steph leaned over and whispered in my ear.

'Oh come on. This has to be the best surprise of your life.'

'Decided not to come out with your towel on then?' Jay spoke yo Steph again. She flushed a brilliant shade of red. 'I think you look better without it' she laughed nervously. I looked away and caught Matt looking in my direction, maybe because I was opposite him, but still gave me a small smile which I returned.

Once we had all got our drinks Karl announced a toast. 'To a fun few nights' we all agreed and clicked our glasses.

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