Chapter Two

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*Steph POV*

I was woken from my nap rather abruptly by the constant loud knocking at the door. My eyes opened to a dark room. Shit, I've over slept, was the first thing I thought before I pulled my phone out from beneath the pillow and saw that it was 5.45. Plenty of time. 'Go away!' I shouted, attempting to throw my pillow at the door and failing miserably.

'Get up lazy bones! I have important information to discuss with you! And also I look like a dick just standing her knocking at your door, which I will have you know I have been doing for the past five minutes.' Emz said through the keyhole of the door.

'You don't need to look like one, you already are!' I teased rolling out of bed and getting up to unlock the door

'Oh haha, listen to niemo the comedian.' I opened the door a bit too quick causing Emma to loose her balance and fall into the room. I laughed at her lying on the floor acting dead. She sighed before picking herself up and closing the door. 'wow who have you had in the room with you?'

'Huh? What are you on about?' I abouts ked confused.

'There is no way that you got that bedhead just from having a nap' she said with a raised eyebrow. I quickly glanced in the mirror to see my hair indeed was a mess, it was sticking up all over the place, the soft waves now a mass of frizz. 'Have you found out already and got one of them hidden in your room?'

'What the hell are you on about woman? Did you remember to text Yvette? '

'Yes of course I did. She will be here in about an hour.' She slumped down into the chair and looked at me as I gave the motion for her to carry on talking. 'What?'

'What? What? You came in telling me that you had something important to tell me, and you've still not told me.'

'Oh that....well that can wait for now' she winked at me, I let out a frustrated growl.

'At times I could fall out with you.' I pointed at her.

'Anyway, you're awake now, so best get your ass dressed and ready to go. Just get dressed and I'll do your hair and make - up, so you have an hour ' with that being said Emz turned and left the room.

I did my best attempte to flatten my hair and ended it up just pulling it up into into a high bun. I grabbed my towel and my toiletries, as I knew the only way I'd be able to sort it was to wash it real quick. I just hoped no one else was in the bathroom.

After ensuring that my room door was locked I headed off down the hall to the bathroom. Thankfully it was empty so I was able to shower and do my usual routine such as washing and conditioning my hair, brushing my teeth and washing myself. Stepping out of the shower I quickly dried myself and dressed myself in the clothes I was wearing before hand, it was only until I got back to the room, I wrapped my hair up in the towel and gathered up my belongings.

I let out a yelp as when I unlocked the bathroom door to leave, the handle was opened from the outside the exact time as I tried to open it causing me to fall forward and into someone. I quickly pushed away

'Oh shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't realise anyone was in there' A guy with short dark brown hair and eyes said to me as I opened the door.

'No worries. Maybe I should have put a note on the door' he smiled. I saw that he had his eyebrow pierced, lip pierced and also large plugs that were identical to mine.

'And I should have knocked. I just wasn't thinking.'

'Seriously, it doesn't matter. The rooms all yours now.' He nodded and said sorry again but I just waved him off with a smile.

Back in my room I searched through my suitcase to find an outfit for the night and settled on a pair of black leggings, a purple and black long vest top and my leather jacket to go over the top, I also had my black heeled new rock boots. I dressed before going next door to see Emma.

'Yo hoe, are you dressed and decent?' I asked as I knocked on her room door.

'Mmm hmm, the doors unlocked. ' I opened the door and Emz was sat at the vanity table opening her make up case 'wow, you look hot' she said as she looked at my outfit. Avenged Sevenfolds Nightmare was playing from the speaker dock she had set up on the bedside table.

'Thanks. So do you' Emz was wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a black under bust corset waistcoat and her knee high heeled knew rocks.

'Thank you. One does have to make the effort to get out of pyjamas ocassionaly' she said in an overly posh English accent. 'Come sit, let me make you look even sexier!'

Once I was seated she clipped my hair away from my face and got to work with my make up, it didn't take her long to finish and it was able to see that she had given my face a gorgeous glow, soft rosy cheeks, grey and purple eye make up with flicks to make my green eyes really stand out, and a soft pale purple lip tint. She then got to work on my hair, she used the straighteners to create some soft loose curls.

'I got a fright earlier.' I said.

'You did? How?' She asked as she carried on.

'Well I was coming out if the bathroom as some guy was coming in. Ended up falling into him, worst thing is he was hot.' She chuckled.

'Trust you to do that. You are so clumsy at times, I often wonder how you ended up a camera woman.' She did have a point, I was often clumsy or in my own little world. 'There you go' she said as she moved from infront of me so I could see into the mirror. She has put loose curls throught my hair and clipped it so it was brushed over one shoulder. She then sprayed over some soft hairspray that made my lilac hair glisten.

'Oh my gods, thank you so much.' I hopped off of the chair and gave her a quick hug.

'You're very welcome. Now go find something to put on while I sort myself out,' she then sat in the chair that I was just sat in a started to apply her own make up. I sat myself on the bed and picked up the ipod and scrolled through the songs until I came across The Lonely Island, I'm on a boat, and hit play. She paused and looked at me, grinned, before we both started to sing along.

We chatted about this, that and everything as she finished getting ready. Her make up was much like my own, only she had black and green eye make up for her green eyes, amd a soft rose tint lip colour. Her hair was pulled back into a smooth high ponytail and her bangs were back combed and clipped back.

'Now we are both sexy' I winked at her. There was a soft knock at the door, Emz looked to me to answer it as she was just finishing off her hair. I opened up the door to be greeted with a tight hug and alot of blonde hair in my face. 'Yvette! '

'look at you. You look great' she said smiling as she passed me going into the room going over to Emma whom she also engulfed into a hug. 'You both look fab. I'm sorry we weren't here sooner. Something came up that needed sorted.'

'That's ok. You're here now.

She smiled. ' I don't suppose you'd mind doing mine now?' She said to Emz as she pointed to her hair and face.

'Sure, of course'

She sat herself down on the chair and Emma got to work. I changed the music to some ac/dc and sat back down. 'I don't suppose you girls have seen anybody else have you?'

'I saw Stuart in passing a while ago when I went down to the bar.' I told her.

'Ooh I saw someone else too' Emz said, she then gave a sly wink to Yvette who nodded that she understood.

'Gah, why won't you tell me anything?' I said in a fake mood, crossing my arms over my chest.

'just trust me, the shock you are going to get tonight will be worth it.'

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