Be Afraid / 3

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Be afraid

Of monsters under your bed

That, when you're asleep,

Crawl into your head

Through noses and ears

And mouths open wide

Then there, in your brain

They burrow and hide

They play with your dreams

And there's no chance to fight

As they ride on fierce mares

Turning all to night

And when you're awake

They return to their lair

The darkest of holes

Both here and nowhere

They're biding their time

And there they remain

Waiting for you

To sleep once again

Be afraid

Of closing your eyes

For that is when creatures

Come to claim their prize

They dine on your mind

Warping your thoughts

You can't keep them out

All attempts are for naught

When nothing but nightmares

Savage your sleep

Know it's all the monsters

And you're theirs to keep

Are you afraid of the monsters under your bed? Or did you fear them when you were younger? There's so many great horror films about them

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Are you afraid of the monsters under your bed? Or did you fear them when you were younger? There's so many great horror films about them. There's one really cool 80s one, starring AGT's Howie Mandela. It's called Little Monsters. It's not horror though. It's fun.

But monsters under the bed aren't always fun are they? They're waiting for your foot to peek out from under the covers. An arm, maybe.

Then they have you...

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