If I Didn't Have You

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If I Didn't Have You

Song: If I Didn't Have You by Thompson Square

Thanks to my guest for suggesting this!

*If you have a specific plot you want me to write, feel free to comment it along with a song and I will give it a try; no promises. I hope you enjoy!

Sometimes it feels like, I'm gonna break

Sometimes this world, gives more than I can take

Sometimes, sunshine gets lost in the rain

And it keeps pouring down

It just keeps coming down

Casey slowly drug himself from the passenger seat of the firetruck. Today had been a hard day for him and the rest of his firefighters. They were called out to a small house fire that took everything away from a family. They had nothing. No house. No clothes. No photos. Nothing.

Brett and Foster were already on a call so they never made it to the scene. They didn't have to see the look in the little girl's eyes as her family home, the only home she had ever known, went up in flames.

"Man, that was a tough one." Called Mouch as he started to take off his gear.

"Yeah, but ambulance fourteen did a good job stepping in." Casually called Ritter.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Though, that had been one of the saddest calls they had to respond to in a long time.

"Hey, maybe we should take a collection up for the family."

"Yeah. Good Idea, Kidd. I can make some calls at the CFD and see what they can do."

"That okay with you, Captain?"

"Yeah, Kidd. That's fine. Let me know what I can do to help." Answered Casey as he made his way into the kitchen when he finally saw her. The love of his life. She was sitting around the kitchen table slowly nursing her favorite cup of tea.

'What would I do without her?' He thought. 'She is the light in my life. I can't breathe without her.'

"Hey, you okay? You look a little zoned out there." Asked a worried Brett.

"Yeah. Just the last call was a hard one."

"I heard. Do you need anything? Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm good right now. Thank you."


Just as Brett was about to turn around and walk to the locker room, Casey reached out and grasped her arm.

"Hey...I love you."

"Casey, I love you too. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm gonna go and do some paperwork in my office."

"Okay." Softly whispered Brett as she watched Casey meander out of the kitchen.

This life would kill me If I didn't have you

I couldn't live without you baby

I wouldn't want to

If you didn't love me so much

I'd never make it through

'Cause this life would kill me

This life would kill me if I didn't have you

Three hours later Casey was still in the same place he said he would be; sitting in his office doing paperwork. Time seemed to stand still. It didn't feel like three hours had passed, but it did.

"Hey, Stranger." Whispered a sleep-deprived Brett.


"You still working on your paperwork?"

"Yeah, I should be done soon. I'm just going over the report for the last call."

Brett softly made her way into his little office, shutting the door and closing the blinds on her way. Then she slowly climbed on to Casey's lap and took his head in between her hands.

"Are you sure you're okay? You just seem really quiet."

"Yeah. I'll be fine. That was just a tough one."

"Okay." Cooed Brett as she started to retract herself from his lap, but is stopped by two strong arms that wrap around her like a vine.

"Hey...thank you."

"For what?" Asked a slightly confused Brett as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"For always being here whenever I need you. If I didn't have you I don't know what I'd do."

"Well, you never have to think about that because I'll always be here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"I love you too, Sylvie."

Couldn't live without you baby

I wouldn't want to

If you didn't love me so much

I'd never make it through

'Cause this life would kill me

This life would kill me if I didn't have you

Thanks to my guest for suggesting this song.

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