Safe Inside

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Song: Safe Inside by James Arthur

I remember when you were all mine

Watched you changing in front of my eyes

What can I say?

Now that I'm not the fire in the cold

Now that I'm not the hand that you hold

As you're walking away

Molly's was in full swing tonight. Everyone from the firehouse was there having a drink and enjoying their night off. Casey was sitting at the bar nursing his second beer. He had a terrible week. All he could hear was Brett, Foster, and Kidd talking about the new guy Brett was dating. He and Brett had broken up about two months ago, and he could honestly say that it had been the worst breakup he had ever experienced. All he wanted to do was pull her in his arms and kiss the life out of her. But he couldn't. He was the one that ended things.

He thought Gabby was coming back, so he decided to end things with Brett in hopes they would both move on and find the person they wanted to be with. But Gabby didn't want to be with him. As hard as that was for Matt, it was also one of the best things that ever happened to him; it showed him that Gabby isn't the one he wants to be with anymore. It's Brett. She's the one. She was always the one. He was just too dumb to see it, and now she was gone. Really gone.

'Where's Brett?' He thought. 'She must be with that guy. Did they step out? Maybe he's taking her home. I should be the one taking her home. What does she see in him? He's a businessman. What about that appeals to her?'

"Hey, Case, you good?" Asked Herman as he placed another beer in front of Casey.

Casey shook his head and looked up at the Herman, "Sorry. Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking about something."

"Or someone." Quietly whispered Herman as he walked away to where Casey couldn't hear him.

Just as Casey took a sip of his third beer he heard her laugh. A laugh that he would spend the rest of his life listening to if he was allowed. He turned around in his seat and saw her sitting there with Foster. Both girls were laughing about something on Foster's phone.

'She looks so beautiful.' He thought as he sorely turned in his seat again to where he was facing the bar. 'God, I miss her, her laugh, and everything about her.'

Not an hour later, Casey could hear Brett going around the bar saying her goodbyes to everyone. Apparently, John had to run home earlier to take care of his sick mom.

"Hey, Casey, have a good night." Called Brett as she made her way over to get her coat.

Casey looked at her like he would never see her again, "Thanks you too, Brett. Is Joel coming back to get you?"

Brett shook her head laughing, "No. John drove my car, so I'm just gonna call an Uber.

Casey sat his drink down and started pulling out his wallet, "No sense in you wasting your money, I can just give you a lift."

"I'm good, Casey. You don't have to do that."

Casey sighed, "Brett, I know things have been weird between us since the breakup and everything, but I'd really like to get back to that place we were before everything."

"Me too, Casey."

Casey smiled, "Good, now will you let me drive you home. I don't want you out by yourself at night."

Brett started to put on her jacket, "Actually, I appreciate your concern, but I think I'm going to walk. It's not that far, and it's really beautiful outside tonight."


"Casey, I will be fine. Okay?"

Casey sighed not liking this one bit, but he knew how stubborn Brett was, "Okay. Just...let me know when you're safe inside. Please?"

Brett smiled, "I will. See you Monday for shift."

"Yeah, see you Monday."

Five minutes later Brett was out of the door and into the night. Casey started silently praying that she would get home safe.

'Maybe he is good for her. She doesn't have to worry about him going to work and not coming home. He doesn't risk his life every day. He can keep her safe. Right? He can be there for her whenever she needs him to be. Please be safe, Brett. I love you.

Oh, will you call me to tell me you're alright?

'Cause I worry about you the whole night

Don't make my mistakes, I won't sleep, I won't sleep

If you're home I just hope that you're sober

Is it time to let go now you're older?

Don't leave me this way, I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside

Will you call me to tell me you're alright

'Cause I worry about you

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