Dec. 15th: Red (pt. 1)

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Author's note: This story is BAD era Michael, with today's technology.

Re(a)d and enjoy!


"See you tomorrow at 8 pm. Wear red."

The text popped up on my phone screen around lunch time, and I got curious since I didn't recognize the number. I also knew that I didn't have any plans tomorrow evening, so it was pretty clear that it had to be the wrong number.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

I pushed 'send', and barely got to put my phone down until another text popped up on the screen.

"Your date."

I held in a laughter and shook my head. Definitely the wrong number.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have any date tomorrow."

"Yes, you have. You just don't know it yet."

The answer took me a little aback, and I even looked around me to see if anyone were watching me. It was probably just a prank.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked again, starting to get a little annoyed. But I didn't have to wait long for the answer.

"Your future husband."

This time I laughed out loud.

"And what makes you think I want a husband? Maybe I'm a lesbian and want a wife?"

I didn't get a reply straight away, so I gathered my stuff and went back to class. But just as our teacher, Ms. Brennan, entered, I saw my screen light up again.

"That could be interesting. 😏 Maybe she wants to share?"

My face flushed bright red, and I immediately slammed my phone down on my desk, causing a couple of my classmates to turn their heads. But I just shrugged and pretended like nothing. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about this stranger that obviously didn't intend to leave me alone. And that emoji...!

After a bit of thinking, I discreetly picked up my phone again and placed it in my lap. What the hell do I answer? Do I even answer at all? But after writing and erasing a reply several times, I ended up with a rather harsh one.

"Look. I don't even know you. And judging by your sleazy personality, I suggest you find someone else to bother. Have a nice life."

Quite annoyed, I placed my phone upside down on my desk to avoid seeing if he texted me back. But I still saw the reflection of the light from the screen, and felt the curiosity burning inside me until I couldn't take it anymore. I picked it up, ready to bite his head off.

"You're not even wondering who I am?"

I scoffed. I wanted to say no, but that would be a lie. Then again; no matter what he said could be a lie, too.

"I already asked that. Twice. But I didn't get any answer. And now I don't care anymore. Leave me alone."

"Hey. That's a song of mine."

Huh? A song? What a strange thing to say.


"You would understand if you knew who you're talking to."

I heard someone clear their voice next to me, and looked up to see my teacher squinting at me.

"Is there anything you wanna share with the class, Mia?"

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