Dec. 16th: Red (pt. 2)

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"Mimi! I thought you'd never call. Who is he? What's his name? When and how did you meet him? How does he look?"

Gabby was her usual overly curious self and cut straight to the case, and I rolled my eyes. Still, I couldn't help but to smile.

"Tell me!" she whined.

"There is no 'he'," I tried, but Gabby scoffed so loudly that it sounded like she dropped her phone onto something hard.

"Kiss my fine behind, Mia. That's bullshit! Now spit it out, unless you want me to crawl through the phone like a modernized Annabelle. And I'll promise you I'll be scarier than her. A lot scarier!"

"Okay! Okay!" I exclaimed with eyes widened in anxiousness, while I nervously glanced in the direction of my closet. Then I gazed at my own reflection in the mirror to see if someone was lurking under the bed I was sitting on. I gulped.

"I'll tell you. But I still haven't forgiven you for making me watch that horrible movie."

Gabby cackled like a goose, and I pursed my lips before I took a deep breath and started telling her about 'Mr. Weirdo'.

"Out of the blue?" she asked when I was done.


"Just like that?"

"Mhm," I hummed again, giggling a little.

"And all because of your profile on Tinder? The profile that I made for you? Sis, I told you'd find your prince charming there."

"Stop it. I still don't know his name, and..."

"Then ask," she interrupted.

"Yeah, but I don't know anything about him, so I..."

"Then start asking questions! Or maybe you should wait and let it be a surprise for your date tomorrow?"

I groaned.

"I already told you that I'm not going. I've never been on a blind date before in my life, and this will definitely not be my first. It's one thing if we had friends in common, because then I'd known if I could trust him or not. But this is a complete stranger, who could be a rapist or a murderer, and I do not intend to become a number in the homicide statistics."

"You won't, Mia. Stop being so paranoid. You're going on that date even if I have to carry you there. And you can just insist on meeting him in public. Not even the most bloodthirsty serial killer will dare to touch you with lots of other people around. And! It's easier to dump him if he's an obvious waste of time. Easy peasy."

I sighed and let myself fall back on my bed.

"Okay. But it's only a maybe. I'll have to see what happens tomorrow."

I heard a squeal from the other end, and barked a short goodbye to her before I hung up. Then I looked at the poster of my all time idol, hanging on the wall.

"So a date, huh? I hope he's like you, then."

But as always, I didn't get any answer. Only the everlasting sexy frown that had made my mom blush when she saw it for the first time. And I didn't blame her. He was the hottest man on the planet, after all. And his name was Michael Jackson.


"Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?"

The text beamed towards me when I turned off my alarm. And I didn't even notice at first, but I actually smiled. Me. The grumpiest morning face in modern time, smiling while turning my alarm off? Unbelievable. And now I yawned and stretched while I thought about what to say to him.

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