Chapter 9

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Uneasiness took over your body, and you could hear your heart beating at a faster rate by the minute. Each time you would enter a room in search for living, you were merely met with empty.

By the time you get to the last bedroom, you hear static from below you. It makes you stop and listen, but static continues, no other sounds. Weird. You ease down the steps, and turn your head into the living room. It was the TV. Did someone turn it on? Something didn't feel right. You search for a remote, keeping a wary eye on the television. When you turn your back for a second, the static stops.

Before you could even think about turning your head, someone pushed you face first into the couch. You hear a laugh, and the individuals forces your arms behind your back, the cold touch and brute force sending shivers up your spine.

"What do we have here? More victims, I see," assumably male, he breathes into your ear.

He lets you go and you quickly turn around, still splayed out onto the couch. It's a young man, greenish attire and blonde hair. That's all that would process in your peripheral vision because all your mind went to we're his eyes. Black surrounded his red irises, and you couldn't help but notice the matching red blood vessels oozing out of his eyes onto the skin surrounding it. It sure did scar you, and you froze in fear. What WAS he?

With a knowing smirk, he takes a testing step forward. After watching you wince, he stands back again.

"Oh, this will be fun," you watch in awe as his entire body blurs into the static now present on the TV, and gets sucked in.

With a small noise, you gasp in disbelief. This MUST be a dream. No way. There's no way that happened. Before you could even think of closing your mouth, you hear footsteps from behind you. As if you were under the comfort of your covers, hiding from the monsters in your closet, you freeze up and hope for the thing to go away. Unlike your childhood nightmares, the footsteps draw nearer and you hear a sigh.

"It's no fun if you don't look scared." Just don't look and it'll be okay.

You continue to stare at the now silent TV, and block out the way your heart pulses into your eardrums.

"Well, I guess I have to make my own fun, hm," a knife swipes under your chin, and you feel a cascade of hair.

The knife pushes your head towards the direction of the hair, and oh my god. You were sure that by this point your eyes shook with your body. This man was the nightmare version of the Joker. As if the character wasn't already scary through personality, this man took it to another level. The way his eyes bulged out from the holes in his skull, as he didn't have any eyelids sucking it back in. You shivered as you examined more of his face. The signature Joker look could keep you up forever. His already pasty skin crackled at the corners of his artificial smile, and the black, hardened blood was just the icing. The real cherry on top had to be the teeth. With the lips tightened to a slim line, the smile seemed much freakier.

"Mmm, now that's what I like to see, but what I'm really looking for hear is to hear that melodic voice of yours. Let me hear you scream." He smiles even wider, if that was even possible.

He drug his knife down your neck, through your collarbone, and pinned the tip at your tricep. You bit your lip and shut your eyes in anticipation. It's what you want. End it all. Finally. It's time.

When you didn't feel it coming, you opened up your eyes to nothing. He was gone? You stand up, and look around. How did he even sneak away? You could've sworn you felt the knife the entire time, right?

You walk into the kitchen, and search for food, or really anything. So much fear, you didn't get the comic relief you felt in the books or plays you read. No comedic character to follow. You were alone in a real scenario. Nothing to hope for. Nobody to wish for.

The ring of a toaster rips you from your thoughts of impending doom, and look over to see nothing. Just then, the microwave follows suit. No button pushed or food to prepare.

When you open the fridge, you're met with more nothing. What is up with this place? Things are making noise, boys manifesting from television, and boys with no eyelids. Maybe it's an episode. Maybe you're just asleep. Oh how sleep sounded so good. You yearned for the day you could go back to sleeping for days on end, but that day would never come. Instead, you're stuck with the creaking old bed in the upstairs bedroom. If those boys wanted to kill you, might as well give them the chance now. As soon as you hit the pillow, you fell asleep with ease that maybe, you didn't have to wake up again. Instead, you could go to sleep forever.

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