Chapter 15

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Days continue to pass, and you've become bored out of your mind. BEN and Sally haven't been around since your last meeting, and Toby hasn't visited you in weeks. Most days, you wake up with food already on your bedside. Everything was laid out, and your only job was to entertain yourself. Boring. Leaving yourself with your thoughts took a toll on your mental health, as much as you had left previously. The suicidal tendencies began to subside once you began befriending yourself. Sometimes, you would sit around and stare into the corner of the room, allowing your mind to blank out and daze for hours on end. This avoided any annoying thoughts, as you kept yourself busy. Other times, you would clean. The dust began to become bothersome. If things weren't in order, you couldn't sleep, so everything was clean every night before self-proclaimed bedtime. It kept your mind at bay with depressive thoughts, but the others, you couldn't control. You try to ignore the voices, so you barely think about them.

Regardless of the nuisance, life was still quiet and boring. You didn't have a family, and your ghost friend never visited anymore. This resulted in you picking up a pastime. You would take a knife outside, and mark a tree. These marks, usually at the head, middle, and knee-area, gave you a perfect goal. The trees were relatively close to a person's figure in terms of trunk size, so you made a makeshift kicking bag. There was no other way to pass the time, and kicking a tree as hard as you could, with shoes of course, gave you more strength and even an outlet of built-up stress. You would mostly practice one kick, a round kick. This seemed easiest, and had a lot of power. Although you have no martial art experience, you try to remember any Bruce Lee movie you've ever seen, and begin to mimic those memories. It hurt like a bitch every time you made contact, mostly at the middle. Regardless, you were making progress. You discovered that kicking with the top of your foot rather than toes pulled back hurt less, and that picking your knee up past the tree allowed for a stronger, swifter kick. Let's not forget that pivoting your planted foot brought your hips around faster to help accomplish the other skillful moves.

After a few weeks of this, you would progress to plates. If you could break a plate, you believed that you could get an idea of the damage you could cause. After you set up a few plates outside on a fence you made into a makeshift platform, you get into a fighting stance, clenched hands in front of your face and covering your solar plexus, you breath in, and swiftly swipe across a plate. It doesn't break, but it did fall out of place. You sigh, and prepare the plate again. What could you have done wrong? More failed attempts had to occur before you were able to figure it out. You weren't following through with the kick. All you had been doing was kicking to the plate rather than through it. Your goal was to push through, not hold back, so you prepare one more time. Another breath, you're ready. This time, you smash through the plate, then the next plate, and the next. You smile at yourself. Weeks of self-teaching finally worked out. Let's see another killer try to kill you again. Next stop had to be punching strength, but now you had something to work off of.

Everyday you would use more plates, and train every morning after breakfast, until one day, you wake up and Toby is standing in the doorway. Did he know you were training yourself?

"Look I get you're bored and everything," he sighs in the most distressed way you've ever heard anyone express, "but we need those plates. I, for one, have no IDEA why you insist on breaking plates as a pastime, but some of us are still relatively HUMAN and need our food ON plates."

Oh. They ate?

"I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about." You rub your eyes and shrug in fake innocence.

"The Boss told us to stop you, so we know it's you. Don't act dumb." He crosses his hands across his chest, cracking his neck in the process.

"Wait, so everyone lives here? Or, at least eats here? How come I haven't seen people around for weeks?" You sit up straighter, eager for some type of human interaction.

"You'll see us when you see us. Just leave the plates alone." Toby groans in annoyance.

"What if I don't want to?" you weren't ready to give up your only opponent yet.

Toby unhinges his hatchet, and threatens, "Then you'll lose a finger." Then walks away.

Eager still, you run out of bed and follow him. He was leaving, again, and you weren't gonna let that happen. No more loneliness. You lunge at him, and jump onto his back. He stumbles, and takes you down the staircase with him. He grunts and tries to get you to release him, but you held on stronger.

"What the hell is the matter with you? Get off!" At this point you've hit the floor, and you're smiling on top of him. You laugh and rip off his goggles.

"That's better. No human interaction does something to you, doesn't it? Oh how I missed that face of yours, Toby. Hehehe." you twirl the goggles in your hands, and this is the first time you can see his expression. He's confused.

Your hand, previously holding down his wrist, reaches over to caress his forehead, and he does nothing but twitches under your body.

"You know, it's probably from that scary mangled cheek of yours, but I didn't notice how soft and smooth your skin was," you pull down his mask, and lean down to his face, "it makes you more...attractive, hmm?" you giggle and lean back, only for him to throw you to the side and scramble on top of you, instead.

"You should know your place. Since when did you get so cocky? I don't like it." without his mask, his blush isn't hidden. He was embarrassed. You could tell by the increased stuttering, as well.

"Aw, is someone blushing? Is that why you can't kill me? You have a-" his hatchet is immediately brought up to your neck, but all you do is giggle.

"Not another word. This new persona is not welcome. Don't make me teach you a lesson." immediately, he blushes once more, realizing that he chose the wrong words.

"Oh, how spicy," you wink, and push away the hatchet with a finger, "but you know you won't be able to kill me with that."

You take your opening, and push him off of you. You had to admit, this was giving you a rush. After he's far enough, you sneak your knee up, and knee him in the intimates. He seems unfazed, but you waste no time in punching his stomach instead. You watch as his breath is taken away, but again, no response. Toby scrambles to his feet, and you do the same. He throws both weapons to the side.

"Just because I can't kill you, doesn't mean I can't hurt you." He lunges towards you, but you simply dodge him.

You take another shot at him, kicking him in the stomach. He slips onto the floor, and you kick his head as a combination. Toby immediately grabs your foot, and swipes you down next to him. Instead of dwelling on the pain you felt, that pain turned into excitement. This gave you a rush you weren't familiar with, and you loved it. Why did you spend time hurting yourself when you could be hurting others? You begin to laugh, but Toby is already on top of you again.

"Why aren't you angry? All you've been doing is laughing and it's pissing me off." he glares, and you just continue to laugh.

"Who knew all this pain would give me joy? You don't know how long it's been since I've laughed so hard."

All the pain you've felt all these years seemed like a distant memory. You had something to live for until Toby could kill you. This pastime seemed like a job waiting to find you, and you felt great relief. Even if you couldn't tell if this was an episode of happiness or true happiness, all you were sure of was that you didn't feel any painful thoughts anymore. You felt as if you could do anything, so naturally, you prepared to attack him. You grab the collar of his sweatshirt, and almost throw him off you. Something, instead, holds you back. Toby only glares at you, but you smirk in response. As your one hand stays on the collar, the other reaches behind his head, in his hair. He immediately freezes up, unsure of what kind of attack this was, but you understood that he was so confused that he couldn't prepare himself for your next move anyway. Instead of following through with the attack, you let out a dry laugh, and pull him closer until you feel his lips on yours.

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