Chapter 10

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A bang startled you awake, your heart racing as if you had awakened from a free falling dream. It was dark, but you could still make out two figures in the darkness. One was pinning the other's hands above and beside his head, keeping him restrained.

Once you removed a clutched hand from over your heart you simply place it on your lap, confused at the scene unfolding in front of you. When your hand lands in your lap, you feel a sharp pain from your waist. Although it was dark, you could see a shade darker than the color of your shirt spreading throughout the front. When you touch the area, you immediately wince at the consequential pain. You could hear constant banging and grunting coming from the two fighting, but your mind was racing with questions you needed answered.

You warily lift up your shirt to just above your waist, and you feel as if you were ripping off a layer of skin. The open wound now felt excruciatingly painful, and you could feel your breath running short. What happened? Did someone really try to kill you in your sleep? Were you even surprised?

"You knew this was my kill, man. Y-you tried to take MY kill," the restrainer stutters through a laughing statement. "don't ya know how precious this one is to me?" He thrusts the second figure onto the floor, and slams a fist into the wood floor.

Was this that guy? Seriously?

"Simple misunderstanding," fist slams into floor. "Lost control," another duck, "Won't happen again."

"Damn right it won't. Now that you almost killed- oh speak of the devil." Both shadows of heads turn towards you menacingly.

"Oh, what a delightful snack you would have been," The one underneath your original captor snickers, "have fun trying to clean that one up, Toby." This earned a direct blow to the face.

Toby. What a normal name.

Toby whispers rather angrily towards the man beneath him, then stands. With a snap, the lights turn on, and you can see the real damage. Blood was, too put it lightly, EVERYWHERE. There's a long gash through your waist, and an almost X formation, which you assumed was interrupted by Toby. You look up, down, then back up, and take a breath. Mind over body. Simple. Just don't give into the panic and pain quite literally bubbling in your stomach. Show no tears. This is what you wanted.

"I swear on everyone I've hacked dead if you're assuming you wanted this I will swallow my pride and let him kill you." references towards the man you now see clearly. He wore all black and an odd blue mask. Something black oozed from the eye holes, and you were sure you looked into Hell just by taking a glance. He twirls a scalpel between his fingers, and makes his way over to you.

"What a shame," his scalpel glides across your jawline, "a delectable snack put to waste by an obsessive murderer." he nicks the bottom of your chin, and a line of fresh blood accompanies the cut. He lifts his mask, and you have to hold yourself back from a scream climbing up your throat. The grey skin was nothing compared to the black ooze dripping from his lack of eyeballs. Literally nothing but black in his sockets. He brings his face inches from yours, and takes a long lick across the cut, taking every last drop. He stands back, and the last thing you see is the shark-like smile playing on his lips before he pulls the mask back down.

Toby laughs behind him, watching your face contorting into a state of confused fear. The eyeless man walks out, and Toby approaches the bedside. Taking a hand, he cups your forehead, pushing you back down onto the pillow.

"You'd better lay down for this, it may hurt just a bit," He grabs a box, and pulls out what you assume to be supplies to stitch someone up.

He notices the confusion, and cracks his head compulsively. "Can't I have a little fun when killing you? An injured puppy like you can't give me the rush I love when watching my prey suffer by my own hands." He laughs again, and cracks his neck again.

You cover the wound, eyes widening in terror. Why was this happening to you? What did you even do to deserve this?

He tsks at you and removes your hand from the wound. He lifts the shirt up for more room, and begins to wipe away excess blood around the area.

"Now, then, hold still. I expect some screaming, since it'll hurt some. I gotta know what I'm in for when I'm watching the life leave your eyes." With that, he begins, and you immediately bite your hand to stifle your screams.

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