Chapter 17

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In the more recent days, you had been visited by many characters. There was BEN, but most times he just messed with you through electronics, sometimes dragging you back into the TV for kicks. Sally picked up the play dates, taking you around the house for the best hide and seek spots. You never really saw the eyeless guy, but you had to admit you felt relieved for that one. He really left a mental and physical scar behind. One day, you woke up to a clown who dressed in all black and white, no exception to skin or eyes. He, who goes by the name Laughing Jack, scared you so bad you were sure you could have had a heart attack. He turned out to be oddly friendly, besides for the fact he explained in great detail his most boastful kills.

The people kept coming, but you were sure you had met everyone Toby (supposedly) knew. Not that you cared who he knew, of course. Toby was the one person who never visited after the last encounter. You felt like you did something wrong, and the familiar weight on your chest had returned. The embarrassment was too much to handle, and you just wanted to die. In the most exaggerated way possible, you felt as though you could rip your skin off your body. This would have been a much better event to remember than kissing your future killer. This, obviously, resulted in you trying to physically shake the thoughts away, and nearly inaudibly mumble to yourself about how stupid you always were. Why did you do such a reckless thing? All these years of hiding, trying to fit in and stay low, all for nothing. Your one job was to die without anything to live for, and now, you've made things worse. What if he liked you? Wait, a killer? YOUR killer? No. Not possible. Especially with someone the likes of you, it was a joke. He thought you were a joke like the rest of them. You begin to laugh, and grip at your head. You hated when this happened. Your thoughts always got the best of you, you were so weak. You didn't deserve to live. That was it.

You rise, walking out the door of the house, and walk in no particular direction. Throughout the walk, you're zoned out, but the easiest way to describe it felt like you were drunk. Stumbling and swaying as you walk, mumbling to yourself about how worthless you could be, until you reach a lake. You're drawn to it, and you can't stop walking towards it. You begin to absentmindedly strip into only undergarments, your makeshift swimming suit. The lake felt warm lapping against your feet. It was huge. You felt the side of your mouth twitch into a half smile, and a little laugh comes out. By the time you've submerged up to your waist, you've started to remember all you've done. Every single excruciating moment of weakness or embarrassment. You hated yourself. Even the happy moments began to twist into something terrible. Maybe you could drown. Nobody's around. Nobody to save you. Don't give Toby the pleasure. But what about Sally? That poor girl, you're her only playmate, and you're gonna leave? How can you be so heartless? Maybe you were selfish, isn't that what most people say? You can't stay for one ghost. She's dead, why can't you be?

Your thoughts linger on Sally, and at this point you've resorted to hitting your head, trying to both knock yourself out and just smack away the thoughts. You hated feeling this way, you were always so nonchalant about the concept of dying, but everything else meant too much to you. You hated it.

Sally's cute little face kept popping up in your head, and suddenly, you felt fear. It made you want to go back to Sally and hug whatever you could of her. She was your only friend, you can't leave her. You snap out of your zone, and begin to wade your way to shore. You hadn't realized how cold the water was until now. Your hands and feet were turning a purplish hue, and you were shivering. Why did it feel so welcoming? You only throw your shirt back on, and pull your shoes on. Throwing your pants over your shoulder, you begin to walk. How did you never notice a lake before? How were you gonna get back? Didn't Toby say something about not searching for it? You sigh, and try to clear your mind. Instead, you began to see things. You heard rustles one the distance, and you've become paranoid. Flashes of yellow and orange run behind the lanky trees, so you try to walk faster. Unbeknownst to you, you've been thinking about the comfort of the house this entire time, so you weren't going anywhere.

You continue on, and now all you saw was yellow flashes, but you get a waft of something pungent. Was that cigarette smoke? Your heart drops, and you turn to be face to face with a man in a white mask. you can just barely see his eyes, was he human? Not eager to find out, you back up slowly, hitting a tree. He was dressed in jeans and a hoodless jacket. His hair was darker than Toby's, and he looked older. The man didn't say a word, but he cocked his head at you, eying your damp body. Maybe you should have put on the pants.

The masked man's eyes trail back into your eyes, and you heard a satisfied huff from behind the mask. Was he checking you out?

"Uhm, ew?" You easily slam your foot into his chest, pushing him onto the ground.

Before you could hear him hit the ground, you were already running. You really should've put on the pants, you're so lucky you wore the undergarments you did and not something too provocative or showy for public view out of season.

You keep looking back, and see he's running after you, already catching up. When you turn back, you scream and slam into another body. The yellow-hooded figure also bore a mask. This one was black with glowing red eyes. He immediately bear hugs you, holding you in place. You scream and struggle against him, but the other masked one came up to hold your legs. You weren't about to fall victim again. You sat still, and started to growl and mumble to yourself. Who did these people think they were, manhandling you like this, in your underwear! Although that part was your fault, you still felt anger. You lost the pants while running, which was the worst part. Something seemed to switch in your brain, and you began to laugh, and started to curl your legs in, almost unnoticeable. When you reeled back as far as you could, you slam your feet against the one with the jacket. He stumbles, and takes the hooded one down with him. They scramble to get you back under control. Before they could, you had already ran.

Naturally, you ended up running into them again, kudos to the forest. You gape at them, and the white mask chuckles. He approaches you, and you back up into a stance. Noticing what you're preparing for, he sighs.

"Don't make me hurt you."

"Why? Scared to hit me? You already manhandled me." you sneer and edge him on.

He gets closer into your range, and you can tell he expects a fist fight. You smirk. Just as he reaches arm length, you lift your foot, pivot the other, and chamber. You kick through his stomach, and you hear his breath escape him quite quickly. You hear the man behind him shift almost uncomfortably. Your opponent tries to catch his breath, but you've already began to kick more. So many weeks of discovering three key kicks really paid off. You couldn't wipe the smile on your face, not even when he ripped you down to the ground with him. He took advantage of you on the floor, and straddles you. This seems to happen more often than you ever imagined. He pins you to the ground, getting close to your face.

"I'm not here to fight you. Come easy and you'll get back home."

Your turn to chuckle now, "And here I thought I met all you oddballs," you stop and glare, "I have no home."

"It's more of a home with us than if you ever went to the real world. You already feel the effects, don't you? Do you even know where you're originally from? Or how many family members you had? What did you do before you met Toby?" his words squeezed at your heart.

Where were you from? Was it Colorado? No, New Jersey? Were you even American? British? You had a mom and dad, right? Did you even have siblings? Did you even go to school? All you remember is the sadness you've held all these years, but part of you liked that. The man stands, and extends a hand. You take it, and he pulls you up.

"Masky. That over there is Hoodie. Get to know us better and there's a 1% chance you'll know our real names, or faces." you nod, and begin to follow them back.

"Wait. We aren't in the real world? What does that even mean?" you scratch your head and look around.

"It's more of a place rather than a world. Kinda like a pocket of space between worlds. All you need to know is that it's home." You nod in response.

Upon reaching the doors of your home, Masky looks back. The familiar wave of uncomfortableness washes over you, now your ears start to burn. He's checking you out again.

"Stop it you-"

"I guess we gotta get you some new clothes, specifically pants, stripper," he chuckles and you swear you could've killed him on the spot.

Wait. Kill him? Why would you feel such an urge like that?

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