Chapter 11

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By the end of the small "surgery" your face is red with lack of oxygen from you holding back your screams. You keep your eyes shut and body stiff to avoid more pain, but Toby takes this opportunity to lightly poke your side unannounced. This resulted in an immediate ball formation and you screaming out in pain by doing so.

He laughs as he finally hears the scream he's been waiting for, and starts to walk away. You're left there in agonizing pain from the sudden change of position, and begin to cry. You pull the bloody covers over your clean wound, and cry in silence until you run out of tears.

Each moment you were there felt like another minute in hell, but what else did you expect? Taken into some odd, never-ending forest? Now in a house? You were so utterly confused and quite honestly, scared.

"Why are you crying? C'mon come play with me! It'll make you feel better." you wipe your tears and look around for the source of the sweet, sing-song voice, but you can't seem to find it.

You feel goosebumps trickle along your arms and up your back, and you hear the voice again.

"Come play with me," you see a child appear on the bed in front of you, "I'm not that scary I promise."

The small girl finally manifests in front of you, and you have to hold back the face you want to make. She looked quite dead, a gash causing blood to trickle down her face. Her little pink dress is stained from the blood as well, and she almost looks like a real kid. Regardless of whether or not she resembled one, you weren't about to engage in any conversation with another bloody freak.

"Sorry, I'm not in the position or mood to play, kid." you give a small sad smile, and try to pull the covers over your head.

"It's not that bad of a gash, c'monnnnn," the little girl whines and you can feel a sense of uneasiness starting to emit from her presence. Was she getting angry?

"Uhm, hey, tell me about that thing you have behind your back! Is that your teddy be-"

"Yes! Mr. D! I love him a lot. He's my favorite person in the whole wide world, and you can't have him." she glares at you, and you feel the room get even colder from before.

"Oh hey! I just wanted to know who he was because he's adorable! He's all yours, don't worry!" you laugh half-heartedly, trying to ease up the tension forming.

"You know, you should be keeping an eye out for Toby and The Tall Man rather than Mr. D," she smirks almost knowingly, "They have big plans for you, especially Toby!" She giggles and holds her companion close to her chest.

"What do you mean?" She stops giggling and her face turns emotionless again.

"Have I said too much? Ah, either way you'll find out! Toby is in a looooot of trouble. He can't kill you! AND he keeps gaining more of his memory when he's with you! You know what that means~" she cocks her head to the side, and pokes your leg.

"I don't know what you're even talking about, I've asked him so many times to do it and now you're telling me this? He has all the chances he can get." You cross your arms and watch as she just laughs more.

"You're funny. You have so much to learn! In the meantime, you can be my playmate," she slams her hands onto the covers and smiles, "You're so much fun to be around, so I'll keep you with me instead. It's not like Toby can kill you anyway, right?"

Your eyes widen at her comment. Haunted by a ghost? An easily ticked off one at that? Why was life getting so much harder to end?

"Wait, wait, wait, but I want to die, why can't you kill me if he can't?" immediately, her eyes start to fill up with tears, and you can feel your heart drop.

"You don't want to be my friend?" a tear streams down her face, mixing with the blood. "You don't want to be my friend? At all?" her eyebrows furrow in anger.

"Kid, it's not that! You're so sweet and I-" you choke up on your words.

The child has her hands around your neck, her cold grasp tightening by the second. She growled in anger and you feel your body being lifted from the bed.

"Maybe I should just kill you then," she laughed and tears still spilled from her eyes, "Then you'll be my playmate forever, and you CAN'T complain!" She laughs and her grip gets stronger.

You couldn't even gasp for air. This child closed off your throat and you couldn't even touch her. You could only claw at your neck until you drew blood, your fingers brushing through her apparition. Consciousness started to feel more and more difficult to keep, and you could feel your heart trying to defy the lack of oxygen. You kept grabbing at your neck until your brain gave out on you and you could feel yourself passing out. The only thing you could hear before you lost it completely was the constant ringing and the brief screams between the child and what you assumed to be Toby.

You're on the brink of darkness when she had let go and you slam onto the floor. You gasp and try to gain back your missed oxygen, disregarding the pain your stitched area and now your body in general are in. When you finally seem to catch your breath, you lower your head onto the floor where your arm kept your body up. The child and Toby were still screaming, and you felt anger boiling through your pained body. You were over this. You felt all possible pain, so you might as well just do it yourself before these so called "plans" were in effect.

You search around for the kit Toby left in the room, and find it on the bedside table. While they fight, you find a larger scalpel than the one used to cut you before. You grab it, and then you hear the fighting stop. You lay back on the floor, and point the scalpel towards the both of them.

"That won't do anything for a ghost or me," Toby cracks his neck.

"It isn't for you," you laugh as dryly as possible and turn the scalpel around to yourself. "None of you will have the sick pleasure of killing me," You take a deep breath before extending your arm out to prepare.

"No, you can't do that," Toby growls to himself, and runs towards you, but you've already made the action.

He lunges into you, a failed attempt to get the scalpel away, but he finds your body okay. Confused, he looks around to find the scalpel across the room, and the ghost gone. He sighs in relief and looks up to you.

"Get off of me. You can tell I'm fine, right? So get off." he could feel your body shaking in anger, and he loved it.

He smirks, and stands off of you. Toby extends a hand, and you pay no mind to it when you struggle to stand. Once in bed, you just lie in silence until he takes the hint and leaves. You spend the night occasionally banging your head into the headboard while crying yourself to sleep. How else could your life possibly get worse?

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