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The following week was hell. I didn't go into work, I couldn't bring myself to see him. I haven't ate I haven't moved, I haven't showered, I can't bring myself to.

I lay in bed day in and day out. Every so often Ethan will bring me water and chandler will try to give me food. I haven't talked to jimmy since that night. He's tried texting me but I can't look at them.

Chandler walks into my room.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" He asks gently.

"Better." I shrug.

"Maybe it's time to take a shower and clean your room?" He says picking up some clothes in the floor. "It'll make you feel a whole lot better." He smiles.

I slowly pull myself out of bed. He's right the only way to get over this is to face it head on. I hop in the shower and help chandler pick up my mess. I'm already feeling better. I make my bed and grab my keys.

"Are you sure you're ready to face it?" Ethan asks rubbing my back.

"Now or never." I say. I walk out the door and get in the car chandler in the passenger seat and pull up to the studio garage area. As I walk in I swallow all the anxiety I have. I walk past Jimmy setting up a pool and go to where all the guys are sitting making slime. "Hey guys." I force out a confidence voice.

"Hey you're back, Chandler told us you were sick." Chris says. "I hope you're feeling better."

"Not really sick. More heart broken but I'm okay now. Sobered up and ready to move on." I nod.

"You? Heartbroken?" Garrett says astonished. "No way you break hearts look at you." He says motioning towards me. I hear a cough behind me. I turn to see jimmys annoyed expression.

"Why haven't you been in in a week. You've been ignoring all of our calls and texts." He says.

"Just has a really big depression episode, I'm better now." I say shyly. Even if he did reject me I still want him to love me. I clear my throat and turn towards the guys again. "Can I help you guys any-"

"No you'll be helping me carry in some buckets." Jimmy says turning to walk out. I follow behind him to another part of the building. In silence I find the buckets and pick up 4 stacked into each other. "I'm sorry." I hear him say.

"For what?" If I play it stupid it'll be over soon.

"You know for kissing you after you said what you said then leaving you alone. I read your note"

"Note?" I'm not playing dumb anymore I don't remember a note.

"Yeah this one." He pulls a paper out of his jacket.


Chandlers coming to pick me up, don't worry about tonight I knew you didn't feel the same I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong that would make you feel uncomfortable or mad at me. I've liked you for a long time, when you're near me I feel like my whole life's coming together, I've never felt so happy to be near someone. I'm sorry for tonight you're right, you shouldn't have kissed me, you shouldn't have given me all this false hope just to leave me crying on the couch. But it's my fault right. I'm sorry again.


I nod my head.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." I shrug "you shouldn't have kissed me, especially knowing how I felt that night. You gave me the best felling of hope and excitement and then just took it all way. I cried in my room for a week, wondering why you didn't feel the same way. And I'm over it. I still really like you but I can't keep putting myself through hell for someone who doesn't even feel the same way-" I'm cut off by his lips on mine again. For a moment I melt to his touch. His lips on mine feel like home. But then I remember why I'm here, what happened. He pulls away again the same shocked look on his face as before,

"Don't do it again." I say before he can turn. "Don't kiss me after I tell you, and then leave like my feelings don't matter. Don't walk away right now." He looks down and whispers.

"I'm sorry." Before he turns "I can't keep kissing you if I don't feel the same." He sighs. My face drains and my heart drops again.

"I saw this coming. I knew when I told you you would do this. What are you not understanding. You can't you with a girls heart like that. You can't make me think you feel the same way I do just to say you regret it and you shouldn't have done it." I say sitting on a bucket. "You don't get the satisfaction." I spit pissed off. I grab the buckets. "I'm tired of crying over you." I shake my head and walk off leaving him there shocked. I'm to pissed to think straight as I hand the boys the buckets and storm off.

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