You what

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"Laci...Laci..! Laci wake up!" I jerk awake from my sleep and look at Jimmy standing above me. "Come on." He doesn't look me in the eyes and walks off the boat.

"What's his problem?" I grit looking at Chris.

"I'm not sure. BUT I WON!" He beams shoving chandler.

"Amazing bubba!" I smile following them off the boat.

"Come on let's go home I'm FREEZING" chandler says picking me up and putting me on his shoulders.

"Oh I was actually gonna go to Chris's and talk to Katie cause I haven't seen her in awhile!" I smile as he sits me down.

"Fine don't come with me I see how it is." He pouts.

"Grow a vagina and I'll talk to you like I do Katie" I laugh climbing into Chris's car. I look over at Jimmy staring at the ocean. He snaps back into it and carries my clothes over to me.

"Here, you left these on the boat." He mumbles. He lays them on my lap and walks away without a word. I shake my head and close the door.

Roughly 30 minutes later I pull into Chris's driveway. Katie's our front waving. I get out and walk over and hug her.

"We need some serious girl talk." I frown. She nods and walks me into her room.

"Spill, how're you feeling?"

"Not so great. I spent 2 weeks crying and drinking, and now... now I'm...."



"You're sure?!"

"Yeah..." I mumble.



"But he."


"Oh honey." She wraps her arms around me as I begin to sob.

"And he keeps apologizing and trying to work it out but I feel like if I tell him he'll only be with me because of the baby and I-" I break off and begin sobbing again. She rubs me head to soothe me.

"It's going to be okay babe. He wants you back that's all he's been talking about." She smiles. "You need to tell him." She nods. "If it makes you feel better, we'll be due around the same time!"

"You mean you're"

"Yup" she smiles. I squeal

"OH MY GOD THATS SO CUTE!!!! I'm so HAPPY for you!" I grin hugging her.

"Our babies will be besties!"

"Hes been so weird today, he was fine on the boat but when we got back he like snapped, he barely said two words to me then stormed off." I shake my head.

"You need to talk to him." She encourages. I nod. My phone beeps.


Come to my house we have to talk.

"Fuck what if he knows." I show her the text.

"How would he?"

"I have no idea I threw the test away in the bag when we left."

"Did you take a pic of it?"


"Does he know your password?"

"Yeah...? But he wouldn't do that, go through my phone."

"Have you been reading his messages he's been sending you or ignoring them?"

"Ignoring them."

"Maybe he deleted them. Out of embarrassment."

"He better not have been on my phone." I grit. "I gotta go over there. Think you can give me a ride?"

"Chris can, CHRIS!" She yells he pops his head from around the corner.

"I wasn't ease-dropping.... but I do want the baby to be a girl. So tucker has a girlfriend." He smiles. I laugh and throw a pillow at him.

"You ass what do I do???"

"Tell him, he loves you and he doesn't want you to not be with him anymore that's all he talks about anymore."

"Why's he at me?"

"I'm not sure. He stood up and went and talked to chandler and after they talked he got all pissy."

"Okay, take me please. I've got something to tell him." I mumble. I hug Katie bye and get in the car to go to jimmys.

On the way over I look through the messages he sent me.

I'm heartbroken and can't believe I lied to you. I know I will never be able to make it up to you. But at least let me try by accepting my apology. I am sorry, sweetheart, I will never do it again. Ever.

You are the girl of my dreams, and it pains me to see you cry. Please accept my apology and give me a smile, because your tears are too precious to be wasted. I'm sorry.

I know you are angry right now. But when you get a moment to reflect on what has happened, I want you to think about all the good times we've had, all the happy memories we've shared, and what the future holds for the both of us. I'm sorry sweetheart, and I hope you can forgive me.

I never thought I would feel this way, my heart is so empty without you, I took everything for granted, but now I know you are my happiness. I promise, I will never repeat the same mistake, you are my world. I am sorry.  

I am not trying to defend myself, I acknowledge my wrongs and I want to make them right with you. I can't fall in love with someone else as you still have my heart. I am sorry babe.

I bite my tongue as I read the last one.

Laci.... I know you hate me, and you never want to see me again. And you don't have to believe me, but I am so so so sorry baby. I love you so much it was a one time thing, I know you won't forgive me so fast. But if you could try. I've never been so in love with someone. You're my literal everything. I hate myself for what I did. If I could take it all back I would. I hated seeing you cry I felt like someone had killed me. Please..... answer me.

"We're here.... are you okay by yourself?"

"Yeah, thank you Chris."

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