Sad song pulling at my heart

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Im laying in bed with thoughts flying everywhere. I feel better now that I said something but I still feel upset. Chandlers right I just gotta up and say it. I gotta tell him. I text Jimmy.

*To Jimmy*

Hey I thought about it I do need to go out and get my head right. Drinks?

*From Jimmy*

Sounds great I'll come and pick you up in 10.

I sigh and walk down the hall the Chan's room.

"Hey, I'm gonna tell him tonight. We're going to get drinks." I frown.

"Why're you sad?"

"Cause what if he rejects me, it's gonna hurt like hell.." a tear forms in the corner of my eye.

"Don't cry, it's alright." He shushes me as I lay me head on his shoulder and just cry for a good 5 minutes. "You're okay, you're alright." He says smoothing my hair.

"Thank you Chandler." I smile softly. A knock come from the door downstairs and my phone beeps.


I'm here

My heart stops.

"I'm gonna throw up I can't do this." I say freaking out.

"Yes you can!" He says jumping up and hugging me. "Now go get your man." He smiles.

I slowly trot downstairs and open the door.

"Hey you ready to g- have you been crying?" Jimmy asks surprised.

"Yeah just a little sad still. Drinks will help." I nod gently shoving past him. I walk to his car and hop in the passenger side.

"Are you ready?" He asks buckling up.

"Yeah." I nod looking out the window. He starts the car of course a sad song comes on. I listen to the lyrics as we drive down the street. It's about a woman loving a man who goes off to war, and he never comes back.

Soon enough we make it to the bar. Jimmy walks around and opens my door for me.

"What a gentleman" I say.

"Ma'lady." He bows. I crack a smile and follow him inside. "Can I just have a water." He asks the bartender. She looks at me.

"Tequila please, a lot." I say back.

"That bad huh?" She says shaking her head.

"What's that mean?" Jimmy asks.

"When a girl orders Tequila she's heart broken, or at least that's in my experience." She says back leaving to go get the drinks.

"Why're you heart broken?" He asks looking worried.

"Let me drown a few shots then I'm sure you'll hear all about it." I mumble. She returns and I couldn't have downed the shot faster. I motion for another one. She brings the whole bottle and sets it in front of me.

"Trust me you'll need it, on the house."

-20 minutes later-

I can barely see straight and jimmy drives down the road. Holding my half empty bottle of Tequila and some Strawberry Vodka the lady let me have. I look over at him as he pulls into his apartment. He gets out and holds me up as I stumble into the place. He takes my alcohol and sets it on the table and sits me on the couch.

"Do you feel better?" He asks.

"Can I tell you something?" I say "I've wanted to tell you for a while and I just gotta say it now while I'm messed up and will regret it later." I say.

"What's up."

"Jimmy I like you a lot." The words stumble out of my mouth. "Like a lot. And I get you don't-" my words are cut off by the feel of his lips on mine. I sober up a little and kiss him back. I've been waiting for this all month. In a second his lips are gone.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you." He says standing up really fast.

"Why what did I do-" he cuts me off by walking away. My heart sinks into my chest.

*call to chandler*

"Chandler," I sniff

"What's wrong?" He sounds worried

"Can you come get me I'm at jimmys." I hold my breath as to not let out a cry.

He reply's yes and i hear him start up a car. I hang up and grab my booze then walk out of the apartment leaving a note. I hop into chandlers car.

"What happened." He asks pulling out of the drive way. The tears fall down my face thinking about it.

"I told him, he kissed me then ran away saying it was a regret and he shouldn't have done it." I begin to sob looking out the window.

"Oh no" I hear him mumble. Soon my eyes close and I feel weightless. I open my eyes to see chandler carrying my to my room. Hugging my bottle of tequila I take another swig. "I think that's enough" he says gently as he lays me down and covers me up. He takes the bottles and leaves. I drift back to sleep a sad song pulling at my heart.

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