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We walk and in hand over to the boys and he helps me sit in a chair to watch.

They start the intro but I can't even pay attention to what anyone's doing. All I can think about is how Jimmy is finally mine again. How me and my daughter have the man we need. Our daughter is going to grow up with a wonderful father that's gonna do and be anything for her, for me.

I look up and see Jimmy laughing with the boys about a joke I had missed. He looks over at me still smiling. He waves gently. I can't help but grin and wave back. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. I wouldn't wanna imagine being with anyone else.

I've never felt so in love with someone in my whole life. It's like when he's gone I can't think, eat, or even breathe anymore. I'm just so calm and happy. He's the light in my life and I never wanna lose my light again.

"Laci!" I look up at karl running over. "You gotta come over here in about to win a island!" He jumps up and down.

"No you aren't I am!" Chandler runs over. "Is down between us! And I'm gonna win!"

Karl walks over and helps me stand up.

"Come on come on!" He grins. They run back over to the other side of the island.

I laugh and follow behind them. I walk over and wrap my arm and jimmys laying my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me in a hug and kisses my forehead.

"Place some money who do you thinks gonna win?" He grins.

"$100 on Karl, look how happy he is! I don't wanna ruin it" I frown.

"I think chandlers gonna win. But Karl does look very excited." He smiles. "Alright I'll take your 100 and spend it on some diapers when I win." He grins.

"Yeah yeah" I shake my head. He kisses my forehead again and walks over to the boys.

After some time of me staring at the ocean Karl walks over.

"I lost" he frowns.

"Awe honey it's okay. I'll get you a island. Just not this big of one."

"No it's okay I wanna win one." He smiles. "I'll get it next time"

"I'm sure you will pal." I laugh.

"Alright imma head to bed I'm tired. Goodnight Laci!"

"Goodnight Karl!" He walks back to his tent.

"Hes so sad." Chris and Jimmy walk over.

"I know." I frown.

"I WON MOMMA. I WON!" Chandler yells running over.

"I know baby I'm so proud of you!" I hug him. "Don't rub it in Karl's face tho he's a little sad."

"I would NEVER." He grins. He turns and runs to Karl's tent. "I WON LOSER YOU LOSEEEE" I hear him scream before Karl comes out and chases him around the island.

"I wanna see the piggy's againnn" I frown.

"Well it's dark now are you sure?" Jimmy asks.

"Piggy's" I smile walking over to the hut grabbing my flashlight.

"Come on honey let's go see the piggy's." Jimmy takes my hand and we walk off into the woods.

"Can we have a farm? I want pigs and horses and cows and goats and chickens!"

"Slow down slow down" he laughs "we gotta get Jane old enough to enjoy them!"

"What I'm hearing is, eventually!" I grin. I see him grin back in the moonlight.

"Eventually baby." He kisses my forehead.

"PIGGY!" I yell pointing at the pigs. I sit down on my knees and start petting the pig. Soon they all surround me as I give them all pets. "They love me look Jimmy!" I smile.

"Wanna take one back?" I gasp

"CAN I?!"

"Yes baby pick one!"

I look around

"They're all so precious!" I keep looking. There's one in the back smaller then the others. He's the only one shying from me. His teeth are crooked and his hair is slightly darker. "Him." I point.

"That one?" He looks at him. "He's so tiny and pretty!" He smiles. "Get him baby." I smile and stand up. Jimmy reached down and picks him up. He squeals and kicks. "He's a little feisty honey."

"Lemme hold him." Jimmy shakes his head and puts him in my arms. He stops squealing and kicking. He rubs his face against mine. "That's my babyyyy." I smile.

"Oh wow he loves you."

"Mhm he's my baby." I smile harder.

"What's his name?"

"I dunno yet. LETS GO SHOW THE BOYS!" I grin. We walk back to the beach where all the boys are around a camp fire. "Guys look I got a piggy!" I smile.

"Are you gonna take it home?"

"Yes Jimmy said I can keep it!" I grin harder.

"I've never seen you this happy!" Karl laughs.

"Hims my babyyyy." I kiss his forehead. He squeales In excitement. "LOOK" I smile sitting him down on the sand. He looks around at the boys then back to me. I walk a few steps away. I hear a little squeal and feel his nose against me again. I pick him up and sit down in a chair sitting him on my lap. He lays down.

"That's so fucking cute." Chris smiles.

We sit around the fire for awhile the pig on my lap and my friends around me, jimmys hand laced in mine.

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