Hide and Seek Pt2

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We're all piled up on the boat heading back to the air port. "So what's the plan when we get back?" I yawn.

"Well I think we're gonna start playing Minecraft on our gaming channel." Jimmy smiles.

"Ooo I love Minecraft I'll be sure to watch it"

"I think I'm gonna try to get dream to join in on a challenge."

"Who's that?"

"Are you joking right now?" Karl's jaw drops. "The best Minecraft player??"

"I thougt that was technoblade that pig guy?"

"Oh I'm so telling dream." Chris shakes his head.

After a boat ride and a plane I'm finally home. Jimmy had one of his friends move my stuff back into his house and janes things into the nursery. I smile as I walk in. I'm finally home.

I sit on the couch and open my laptop.

"Oh Georgeeee"


"ahahahh" I hear him laugh. "Cmereeee George!!"

"George run! Go!" Another voice calls.

"Oooo sapnapppp" I hear dream laugh.

"Are you watching a man hunt?" Jimmy asks coming in.

"Yeah It's pretty good so far."

"Wait till you see the dream smp."


"I can't even begin to explain. You'll just have to binge watch." He grins kissing my forehead. "But not right now cause it is currently 2am and you should be sleeping" he stands up and takes my hand helping me up. He laces his fingers between mine as we walk to the bedroom. "I'm so happy you're here. Home." He smiles lightly. "I really have missed you a lot"

"I've missed you." I grin and stand on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

He opens the door. I lay down on the bed exhausted.

"I'm gonna go shower all your clothes are back where they were before if you wanna change." He smiles and walks into the bathroom.

I get up and change into my night clothes and lay back down. And soon enough I'm passed out.

I slowly open my eyes as the room springs the life with light. I look down and see jimmys head laying on my chest his hands on my stomach. I grin and play with his hair.

"Good morning." He mumbles leaning up.

"Good morning sleepy head." I smile.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Amazing I haven't slept this good since the last time I was in this bed."

"Me too. I haven't slept this good since the last time you were in this bed..." he give me a soft smile. "I've gotta get ready and meet the guys at the office. Do you wanna come?"

"Yeah of course. Let me shower real quick." I smile.

We walk into the office and see all the guys sitting around chatting.

"Hey guys" I grin walking over to chandler and karl sitting beside them on the couch.

"Good morning love birds." Chandler grins at us both.

"What's the game plan today boss."

"Today we're gonna be playing hide and seek. But I can't tell you anything else. Load up and meet me at this hospital in an hour." He grins. "And we've got a special guest playing later. Don't we karl?"

"Well yes Jimmy we do" he grins.

They all high five and run out to their cars.

"Who's the special guest?" I ask.

"Remember that man hunt you watched?"


"He's in it. I'll explain more later we gotta go" he smiles and leads me to the car locking up as he leaves.

As we pull in I look up at this giant hospital. It looks old and unused. We head inside.

"I need everyone to step in this makeshift jail cell please and thank you." Jimmy smiles they all pile in some people I've never even met. Jimmy heads outside to start the video.

"We are currently at an abandoned hospital with over 100 rooms and 6 different buildings surrounding it." I follow him back in. He smiles at the people in the jail cell and continues to talk. "This is $100,000 in cash and which ever of you I touch last keeps it!"

I walk over and sit on a little seat as they film the intro. "And today's special guest is... Sapnap!" He grins and sapnap joins the rest of them karl and Nick high five. "10...9....8...." they all scatter. I sit on tiktok for about 30 minutes before I hear someone come my way.

"Sam no!" I laugh.

Jimmy announces sams out and keeps running.

"I hate that you got out Sam but I was mad lonely." I laugh.

After awhile it's down to sapnap and Jordan.

He catches Jordan and announces to sapanap that he's won and to come back. Nick walks right around the corner. They finish the outro and soon enough we're back home.

"That was crazy"

"I know!" I laugh. "Especially when Nick snitched on karl that was hilarious" I shake my head.

"Imma head out for food what do you want?" He asks.

"Mmm surprise me." I smile. "Imma take a nice long bath." He kisses me and heads out the door locking it behind him.

I head to the restroom and lay in the warm bath I put my phone up on the counter and watch a movie while I relax. About 30 minutes in the water gets warmer. I look down in horror. Blood.

I pull myself out of the tub in shock.

"Jimmy. You've gotta come home please I-"

"Lacy what's wrong are you okay?"

"I'm bleeding I don't know please hurry" I sob into the phone. I throw on a robe sobbing as I sit on the bathroom floor.

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