chapter 1

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No one's POV

"What the f*ck do you mean by that?!" a man in his twenties said. His hair has a slight curl at the tips of his raven hair.

He was wearing a black suit with a white button-upped shirt underneath. His red tie tightened neatly between the collar and black pants, his black fedora resting on his head. He slammed his hand on top of his big desk and glared at 2 of his workers. His glare had a hint of madness behind it, and if looks could kill, then those two would already be dead.

"I'll ask one more f*cking time..... Where is the data?" the man said while releasing his strong pheromones while gritting his teeth in anger.

Both of the workers were now shaking in fear, letting out whimpers to show submission due to the overwhelming scent. The workers gulp and hesitantly look up at the fuming Alpha.

"W-we lost t-them..." one of the workers stuttered out and knowing full well what was coming next.

The Raven man growled and was close to lashing out when his phone began to ring. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and answered the call without checking the I.D.

"What!?" the man yelled at the caller. However, what he heard next made him regret lashing out at the caller.

"M-muz-zan - s-san?" the caller stuttered out, whimpering not even a second later.

The man, who was now known as Muzan, mentally slapped himself for what he did a second ago. He quickly composed himself and apologized to the caller.

"I'm sorry Tanjirou, I was just stressed out with work. Now, what does my lovely omega need?"

Muzan asked sweetly, attempting to try and calm his frightened omega. Tanjirou smiled on the other side of the phone.

"N-no, it's just that..... I wanted to ask if you are free tomorrow?", Tanjirou asked in a shy voice, pink dust covering his cheeks.

Muzan could hear the shy tone of his cute omega and couldn't help but smirk. His mind now imagining the adorable red headed omega having a blush across his face. Muzan chuckled at that and leaned against his back against the comfortable black chair. He turned the chair around and looked out of the big glass window, a smile on his face. The two workers were now looking at their boss with wide eyes, completely forgotten by the man.

"Why do you want to know Tanjirou?" Muzan asked in a husky voice, making the redhead feel shivers go down his spine.

"W-well I was j-just wondering i-if you would w-want to come to t-the c-cafe to t-taste o-our new d-dish?" The redhead stuttered out, mentally smacking himself for doing so.

Muzan chuckled once again and thought, 'so cute' before he cleared his throat.

"Sure, I'm free. Anyway, I'll see you there Tanjirou."

"S-see you!"

With that, the call had ended. Muzan's smile and bubbly aura from talking to Tanjirou was now gone. Slowly, he turned back towards the two workers and narrowed his eyes.

"I'll give you a week to retrieve the data.... or else. Now leave." The raven said while narrowing his eyes even more, if possible.

The glint in his eyes was dangerous, promising the death of the two workers if they were to fail this mission again. Said workers both nodded their heads and dashed out of the office.


At a park, the two workers were sitting on one of the park benches. Both of them out of breath and leaning back on the bench.

"Who do you think that 'Tanjirou' person is?" Worker B asked while straightening himself and looking at his partner, worker A. Worker A was looking up at the clear sky and thinking.

"Well... judging by how he turned soft while talking to that 'Tanjirou'... maybe it's his mate?" Worker A guesses, the frown on worker B deepening.

"Mate? I don't think so. I mean.... sure our boss is an alpha, a strong alpha at that, but he's the kind of guy that doesn't settle with one person. I mean... agh! You know what I mean?" Worker B said.

Worker A was now looking at his partner's distressed face and chuckled slightly.

"You're saying that because of the rumor that has been going around since last month, aren't you?" Worker A said while raising one of his eyebrows.

Worker B sighed and nodded his head.

"Don't tell me you believe that rumor do you?"

Worker B nodded once again. Worker A sighed another time before looking up at the clear sky once again.

"Well, from what I have heard, our boss has been searching for a long time." Worker A said.

Worker B looked at his partner from the corner of his eyes, frowning a little before looking at the sky.

"That's.... kinda hard to believe."

Worker A chuckled.

"Yeah, I know. Our boss loved to sleep around with random people in the past. So, I completely understand why it's hard to believe, but that's the truth." Worker A said.

Worker B looked at his partner from the corner of his eyes and parted his lips. He was about to ask worker A something but, worker A beat him to it.

"As for how I know that? Well, that will be a secret."

Worker B sighed and closed his eyes.

"If it is true that 'Tanjirou' is our boss's mate... I wonder how they met?" Worker B wondered. His mind already imagining all kinds of scenarios of how they both met. Worker A chuckled once again and closed his eyes. His boy relaxed against the bench and let out a sigh.

"I... wonder the same thing."
Sorry if there's wrong grammar, and I hope you enjoyed it😊


I would like to credit xx_MaskedAuthor_xx for editing this chapter!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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