chapter 5

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No one POV

"Mom we're home!"

Tanjirou and nezuko shout at the same time follow by the sound of a closing door after. Not getting any reply making them tilt their head a little to the side in wonder.

"Did mom tell you she gonna go buy any groceries?"

Nezuko asked,looking up to her brother with her big pink doe eyes. Tanjirou bite his bottom lips as he rummage through his mind,trying to remember if his mother tell him anything about going out.

"No I don't think so..."

"Than where's mother and-"

Before nezuko could finish her sentence a string scent passes by making her eyes widen and she started to growl,startling tanjirou at the sudden growl.


He called as he try to touch his sister shoulder but stop when he too smell the same thing. Tanjirou wear a frown as he land his gaze to the living room gate.

"What's an alpha doing here?"

He mutter under his breath and slowly make his way to the living room where the owner of the scent located with nezuko follow closely behind.

Muzan is in a trance,the sweet scent still lingering all over the living room. The only thing that's in his head is 'MATE!'. A sound of footstep snap him out of his trance and immediately he take the gun forcefully out of one of his guard hand and hide it in his suit. He send a silence message through his glare toward the guards and the guards understood. The other guard too keep his gun out of view. we don't want his soon to be mate hate him on their first meeting now do we?.

The kid that being the hostage is released and as if on que a beautiful red head male came to his view making his breath hitch because of the male beauty. The red head male slowly turn his head toward him and their eyes met. Both of them froze.

'who is this man standing Infront of me? And why do I felt attract to him?'

Is the thing that been going inside tanjirou's head. His heart suddenly beat even more faster at the presence of the man Infront of him. Who is this man?


One of his little brother called making both of them snap out of their own world. Tanjirou look down only to see that his brother is running toward him with his face full of tears. Tanjirou frown at this. What happen when he's not home?. He crouch demon on one knee to his little brother level and capture him in his hug. He rubbed his little brother head to try calming the crying boy down, slowly He look up to where his mother and other siblings is and his frown deepen. All of his family member is trembling and their eyes is widen in fear and a little bit of relief in it as if.....something bad would happen if he's not home sooner.

"Who are you?"

A voice behind tanjirou asked follow by a growl after. The red head male turn to his sister who is still growling toward the 3 unknown man. Especially at the middle one. From the looks of it the man in the middle might be the boss to the other 2 buff guys,judging by the way they stand still behind the fedora man with an emotionless face plastered on their face. The man in the middle simply smile at the growling girl and hold his hand out.

"The name is muzan and I'm here on some business with your mother"

The man replied,hand still out for some handshake. Nezuko only growl in response and tanjirou seeing that his sister has no intention of shaking the man hand stand up and shake the man hand still with the frown on his face.

"Tanjirou and may I know what business you're talking about?"

The red head male asked and pull his hand to his side while trying so hard to restrain himself from jumping in the man that now known as Muzan arms, he don't know what's wrong with him but he felt calm when their hand connected even if it just for a while and deep inside him he wanted it to be even more longer than that.

Muzan is in the same spot as tanjirou is,trying hard to restrain himself from attacking the cute omega Infront of him. Ravaging him and claim him as his and only his. Just as Muzan was about to answer the question tanjirou throw at him a voice of an older woman shout.

"Stay away from my son!"

The woman shout,body still trembling in fear but as a mother she need to protect her child. Tanjirou turn to his mother with one of his eyebrow raise. Stay away from him? Why?.


The red head male softly call and take a step forward to his mother. The woman slightly open her mouth to warned and tell her son about what just happen before him and nezuko's back but a single glare from muzan make her lips close shut. Muzan is looking straight to her from behind tanjirou,sending her a silence message through eye contact.

'keep your mouth shut,unless you wanted to see the corpse of your child so badly?'

Is what the message is and from the corner of her eyes she could see that one of the guard slightly pull out the gun to view while looking straight at her.


Tanjirou called once again since he didn't got any response on his first called. The woman not wanting anything to happen to her children awkwardly laugh and stand up.

"It's nothing tanjirou I was just.....over reacted that's all"

The woman replied while sweetly smiling toward her son. Tanjirou send a smile of his own, oblivious by what just happen.

"Now why don't you and muzan here sit comfortably on the sofa and have a chat while me and nezuko go make some tea"

The woman said still with the fake smile on her face and wobbly walk toward the kitchen while pulling her daughter,nezuko with her. The other children just follow their mother to the kitchen,still l afraid of the man name muzan and the 2 unknown man.

Now there's only 2 of them inside the living room and muzan take it as a chance for him. With a smirk plastered on his lips he pulled the red head close to his body by the waist and whisper to the red head head male ear.

"Found you my omega"
.sorry if there's a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy😊

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