Chapter 15

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Love only leaves tears,
A crappy, foolish love.



Finally, after juggling office and date with jimin I'm free. This isn't what I imagined it would be like. Maybe I was taking it lightly. This is tiring. Working 10 hours and then going to shopping and dinner. I feel like I need to change my lifestyle. Damn, I will get a good scolding from grandpa today. Nurse bowed to me. 
Is he asleep? I asked her.
No sir he is waiting for you and has called the office asking about you almost 3 times. She said.
Ok, thank you. Shit, I'm screwed. Now I've to think of a great excuse.


Hey grandpa. You know you don't have to wait for me to come home. You should be asleep at this time. I said trying to sound unaware of what was coming.
Taehyungie come sit here, I need to talk to you about something. He patted. Well, that's odd he does not look mad.
Umm... what is it, grandpa? Are you feeling okay?
I'm ok taehyungie, it's about you and jimin. He said looking all serious. 
Does he know? Does he know that I was with Jimin? No. No. No. This is not good. J-jimin? What about him grandpa? I asked looking into his eyes for any sign that he knows.

I know it's not my place to ask. But did you two fight? Grandpa asked.
Wait. Fight? Me and jimin? Oh, so he is talking about Jin? Phewww... No grandpa we are alright. Did he say anything?

Oh. I guess I was right then. No, he did not say anything tae but I've seen he is upset from the last few days. Listen to me my son, you are lucky that you've got a guy like him as your future husband. But this is just the beginning. You should pay attention to him. I know you are struggling in office but you should not ignore your lover like this. Have meals with him, talk to him. He smiles half-heartedly these days. I'm not used to seeing him like this. Jimin is a very simple and lovable guy. You should not take this for granted. Not everyone is lucky to have a partner like him. You should cherish little things in your relationship. Grandpa said holding my hand. 

After years-long my grandpa is talking to me like this. But what can I do? Jin is not jimin. He is not the one. But I can't tell grandpa this. He has warmed up to me these days like my childhood. I don't want to upset him.

I understand grandpa. But jimin didn't say anything? I still don't understand why grandpa is saying all these things suddenly.
No. Grandpa said.
It's ok grandpa it's already late I think you should sleep. Don't worry I'll go talk to him. I said reassuring him.

He's not home. Grandpa said not avoiding eye contact.
Not here? Then where is he? 
His friend from last time was here this evening and he went out with him. Grandpa said.

I can't believe what I'm just hearing. My grandpa, who the most conservative person I know let his son-in-law go with another man like that? I still remember the first time I came home drunk he was about to beat the shit out of me. I got my lesson and I never came drunk home again. But this?

Friend? Do you mean Seojun? I asked grandpa firmly.
Hmm. He nodded.
How can you allow him to go with a stranger like that grandpa? I wanted an answer. I'm going mad.

Only if you would've treated him better he would not look for company in others, taehyungie. You both are engaged. You should talk about these things. But he has been upset lately. You must give him the happiness he deserves. He is same as you in my eyes. If I don't stop you from going around with your friends what right do I have to say no to him?

This is not the same grandpa. Arghh... I hate when he is right.
If that's the case. Where were you? I've been calling you and you did not answer. I called the office they said you left at 8. Why are you late? He asked staring at me.

I... I was with my friends. I lied.
See? This is your problem you don't include him in your life and when he wants an escape you become jealous.

Jealous? Did I hear it right? I think grandpa's health is taking a toll on his mind. Why would I be jealous?

I'm not jealous grandpa. I'm just saying what if something happens to him? Great, he is not buying it.
He is jiminie's friend taehyungie. Now go I want to sleep. I just wanted to talk to you about what I felt was wrong. You go sort it out yourself.  Grandpa turned his back on me. Really? After giving me a headache he wants to sleep peacefully.


I can't sleep. Not after knowing Jin is with that guy, alcohol is not helping either. He says they are friends but why is he not home it's almost 2. What the hell are they doing? I thought of calling him but the thought that he will think I'm poking nose in his life stopped me from doing that. I've been waiting for him for 2 hours. But this is the limit. I'm going to call him. This is not the way to behave. Grandpa must be worried he should think of grandpa at least.


I've already called him 4 times. But no one is picking up. What if that guy did-

-Hello? Someone picked up.

-Jin? Have you seen the time? Where the hell are you?

-Taehyung, it's Seojun.

-I want to talk to seokjin. Give him the phone.

-Sorry, taehyung I can't, he is sleeping rn.

-What? I almost screamed.

Now that you've called, listen to me carefully, taehyung, I was going to wait for him until this arrangement of yours was over but I don't think I can wait anymore. I'm going to steal him from you. And stop whatever game you're playing with him. Jinnie is too precious for someone like you. He cut off the call saying this.

I threw off my phone in frustration shattering the mirror in my room. It feels like something inside me boiled hearing those words. Did they? They didn't right? Jin is not like that. But I don't trust that bastard. I knew it from the beginning. I picked up another phone from my drawer to call hoseok.

-Hello? He said in a sleepy voice.

-Hoseok track Jin's number right now and give me the address this instant.

-What happened boss? It's 2-

-I don't have time for chit chat. Just do as I said. You have 15 minutes or else you are fired.

-O-ok boss. I'm on it.

After 10 minutes I received a text from hoseok with the address. I picked up my car keys and drove the fastest I can. I hope I'm not late.


Thank you, everyone, for 4k+ reads.

I won't be able to update tomorrow. So maybe the day after. :)

Love you all.

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