The Sign.

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* I was having a long long flight while I  continue writing this fanfic, so there are actually several chapters done by now lol But I decided to release them not all at once. This time I'll release two chapters, perhaps will do the same for my next update ^^*

Something was not right.

Len got up from his old bed,the bed where he used to sleep in before living with Fukase.

The blonde checked his phone, over ten times this morning already, yet nothing new shown on the screen.

This was odd, very odd.

Knowing his man, Fukase would have texted him a few times, and even tried to call him. But since the argument yesterday morning, the blonde received nothing.

"Looking at your phone again?" Rin yawned as she just woke up. "Just call back, dummy."

"Well, I..." Len frowned, he was expecting Fukase to call back after all; besides he wasn't done being mad at him just yet. "I mean, he totally forgot our date! I was outside for two hours waiting for him, and he simply acted like he forgot! He even said his phone died that's why I couldn't reach him. How can I forgive him this easily?"

"But... Fukase isn't usually that clumsy... Did you remind him about the date...?" Rin blinked and began to think.

"I asked Kaito to tell him as I got the movie tickets in the very last minute and I got work to do right away... I texted him, see?" Len shown his phone to his sister, clearly still mad about the situation.

"Ummm... Kaito!!!" Rin went to the stairs and called for the blue-haired man, whom then began stepping down slowly to greet them.

"Hey morning twins! Len why are you here? I thought you were always clinging to Fukase?" Kaito softly teased the blonde, failing to notice Len's unstable emotion.

"Hey Kaito please tell me two days ago when you met Fukase in the studio you told him that Len has bought the tickets to the movie, yes?" Rin asked in a way as if she has already known the answer, and not to her surprise, a shocked expression was soon found on Kaito's face.

Len stood up speechless, looking at Kaito with an equally shocked face.


Walking in circles furiously, Longya crossed his arms and stared dead to Fukase, whom just stare back with blank emotion.

"It's not his fault..." Moke tried his best to defend for Fukase, only to be rejected gently as Fukase slightly shook his head with a weak smile.

"Well, at least you know what is called 'responsibility'." Longya almost wanted to punch the redhead right at the face, but knowing his little brother would hate him forever by doing it, he stopped. "Do you have any idea what you did last night?!"

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