One Last Time.

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"That'll be 30 dollars, sir."

Paying for the fine white flowers, Fukase carefully took the wrapped flowers from the shop keeper and entered his car; he made sure to place the flowers in which no object inside the car could ruin them. The redhead then turned on the car engine.

"Wait... That's Fuka's car!" Len quickly spotted the car once he left the grocery store that was near the flower shop Fukase just went to; the blonde hurried himself up and spread his arm out, hoping that he could catch a taxi as soon as possible. And apparently today's Len's lucky day.

Focusing on the road, Fukase wasn't aware that a taxi was closely following him. His heart still ached when he thinks of where he is heading to.

"... Hey, I brought you flowers." Fukase placed down the flowers to a nice, transparent flower vase. He noticed the other vase on the right side was already full of fresh flowers. "I guess Longya came not too long ago, huh?"

A couple small butterflies soon gathered around the flowers Fukase just brought; they were dancing in the sky happily.

"... Hey I made a good pick, look, even the butterflies love my flowers."

The redhead smiled, then took out his handkerchief and started wiping the gravestone.

Moke's gravestone, to be exact.

"... Are you having fun up there, blueberry?"

"I ah... I have been receiving a lot of Chinese songs to sing lately... Though without your help, my Chinese pronunciation have been real bad...Glad Longya decided to teach me."

"... Oh and... That anime you have been watching? It has a new series coming up..."

Fukase tightened his fists and bitten his lower lip. "... Too bad you won't be able to watch it..."

The crimson boy glazed at the black and white photo on the gravestone; Moke looked happy in that photo, Longya told Fukase before that he took this photo on Moke's birthday... The exact moment when he told Moke that he has invited Fukase to come to the party.

"Moke really, really loves you, Fukase."

"Thank you for what you have done for Moke; he has loved the right man."

Longya's words echoes in Fukase's ears. Soon the redhead's eyes began to become watery.

"Zhiyu... Moke..." Tears began to fall and lands on Fukase's hands. "I know you hate seeing me cry... This... I promise you this will be the last time, okay? ... But before that... Just... let me be a coward once more..."

Fukase cried and sobbed quietly.

Zhiyu Moke will always have an important place in his heart; he was very glad to have had him in his life.

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