
358 5 13

* Slight NSFW in this chapter! Also, 2 updates in a row!

Another month has passed since Moke moved to live with Fukase.

Things have been going well between them; even though sometimes Fukase slightly complained about how many action figures Moke have bought to his home. And Moke would only stick out his tongue as respond.

"I'm getting us some groceries, anything you want?" The redhead grabbed his car key and was ready to go out.

"There's this new manga that I-" Moke's words got cut-off when he saw Fukase staring at him with narrowed eyes. "Oh come on, I must have it..."

Fukase chuckled after let out a sigh. "What an otaku you are..." He placed a kiss on the dark-haired boy's forehead before leaving.

Upon arrival to the grocery store, the crimson boy started picking up the things he needed for tonight's dinner. He picked some Chinese sauce along the way just to match with Moke's taste.

He then went to the fruit corner and grabbed some strawberries and blueberries, as he went along, he also took some bananas, then Fukase paused as he looked down to his hand.

Moke never enjoyed eating bananas, and he himself wasn't that fond of it too.

Why would he make such a pick?

Memories started coming back where Len would just force the redhead to eat a banana came to mind; Fukase frowned and slowly put down the bananas.

"... I guess you really is not a banana fan."

The redhead looked up and his eyes met the one he has been staring at so long in the past. Those pretty sky-blue eyes...

"Hey." Fukase didn't want to make things awkward so he threw a casual smile. "How are you?"

"... I'm fine, I guess." Len looked down as he picked up the bananas. His heart ached when he saw Fukase talking to him like he's just a friend or something; but he knew he couldn't complaint about it.

"What happened to your fingers?" Fukase frowned and pull Len's hand close to him, observing the cut on the blonde's small hand.

"I-I was trying to help Luka cook the other day..." Len immediately blushed; he missed the temperature of Fukase's hand.

"How many times I told you to be careful?" The crimson boy was mad. "And I already told you before... there's no way you can cook, so you better just give up."

"Agh I was just trying to help... I can't let Luka do all the cooking for us! No one else is cooking except her..."

The two went speechless; Len looked away. God how he missed his man's cooking... well, his ex, to be specific.

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