Until Then.

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Releasing another yawn, Fukase tiredly went into the cafeteria and sat down. He closed his eyes to rest as he waits for his friends to come.

"..." Sitting not too far away, Len observed the redhead in concern.

This was certainly not the first time Fukase yawned today; in fact, he seemed tired all day... Not just today, but also yesterday, and the day before yesterday.

At first the blonde thought the crimson boy might have just been busy with work and all; but seeing there was no improvement and Fukase was still being sleepy for several days, Len knew things ain't right.

"... Hey, Piko." Len saw the white-haired boy entered the cafeteria so he pulled the boy close. "... What's with Fukase? He looked so tired for days already."

Piko sighed. "Who knows... There were rumors though..."

"What rumors?"

"Many kinds." Noticed the redhead was asleep, Piko decided to sit next to Len to talk more about it before walking to Fukase and wake him up for lunch. "First some said Fukase being a playboy and went out party all night, which of course was definitely not the case."

Len nodded in agreement; there was no way Fukase would be this reckless, especially when he was already with Moke.

"Then, some said he suffered from some serious illness." Noted the worried expression on the blonde's face, Piko quickly reassured. "But! I can guarantee you that's not the case!"

"Then... What is it?" Len sighed in relief.

"Well..." Piko blushed a little, trying to think of an appropriate way to say it. "Some said Moke and Fukase were so in love... You know what I mean..."

Tightened his fists and tried not to act too jealous about it, Len bitten his lower lip.

"Well, I mean... this was just our guess... No one really know the truth..." Piko noticed Fukase slowly opened his eyes and let out another yawn. "I should get to Fuka now, talk soon Len!"

The blonde smiled lightly and looked down to his table. Memories of him being held by Fukase suddenly came back all in a flash.

He wished he could just go back in time.


Rubbing his eyes, Fukase inserted the door key to the keyhole and unlocked the door.

A smile brought its way to the redhead's face as he saw Moke sleeping on the couch and hugging Point... And wearing his own white shirt again.

"You know my shirt is oversize to you, right?" Fukase sat next to Moke; it didn't take him long before he leaned down and started kissing Moke's neck.

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