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Observing his boyfriend walking around in the rice field, Fukase frowned sadly as he slowly follows Moke's footsteps while the short boy was busy picking up a long, rice paddy to carry along the way.

"The weather is so nice here~ Glad we decided to come!" Moke giggled and turned around facing Fukase; he noticed the redhead quickly changed his facial expression then faked a smile.

"Yea, glad we did."

"... And we took a lot of photos, that was neat."


"... And the food here was great."

"... Yea."

"... Make sure you remember all these even after I'm gone." Moke walked close to Fukase and pinched the taller male's cheeks. "Now~ Stop making that face~ I want you to be happy~~~"

The crimson boy frowned more and took the dark-haired boy's soft hands; he struggled for a moment before he swallowed his uneasy emotions and finally spilled out some words. "... I can't."

Moke closed his eyes and tried to stabilize himself before he would just lose it and burst out crying. "... Please, do this for me."

Zhiyu Moke felt like someone just stabbed his heart for a thousand times. He cherishes Fukase a lot... He loves him too much... He never wanted to say goodbye to him.

Yet because of this, he dragged the person he cares the most to this tragedy. First, he forced him to be with him; now, when he has finally developed feelings for him, he had to leave him.

"... Sorry..." Moke's hands began to shake. "I'm... I'm indeed a selfish person..."

Fukase bitten his lower lip and pulled the dark-haired boy into his arms, this time, he really felt like he was going to cry.

"... Zhiyu Moke... I-"

Moke sealed the crimson boy's mouth with a passionate kiss, and Fukase kisses back while stroking Moke's hair daringly.

Both knew they don't have much time left now.

The redhead slowly and gently touched the baby face of Moke; the color of sunset covered the short boy's entire body, making him all orange and golden.

Golden like an angel.

"... Let's head back to the hotel."

Knowing the meaning behind that, Moke blushed before he snuggled to Fukase and nodded. "... Yea."


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