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Warmth of the sunlight penetrated into the room; sounds of birds singing were brought along with the soft wind.

Moke lazily turned his body from side to side, he yawned and was going to lay in bed for a longer time... A sudden blush found its way to his face when he recalled what happened last night; the short boy opened his eyes immediately and a pair of crimson eyes were looking at him softly.

"Morning." Fukase smirked as he took his time to observe the small boy's facial expression.

"M-morning..." Moke was very embarrassed; he wanted to pull up the blanket to cover his face.

Remembering how gentle Fukase was last night, the dark-haired boy blushed even more.

"... Did it hurt?" The redhead stroked Moke's hair and asked.

"N-No..." Moke shook his head. To be honest, he was too shy to admit that he felt amazingly good.

Fukase blinked a few times before pulling Moke into his arms and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Moke was endearing last night, and Fukase made sure he won't forget any details.

"... Longya and others were awake already, I'll go and talk to them for awhile... I bet they'll have a lot to say." Fukase chuckled before he sat up and started dressing himself. "You take your time before coming out."

"W-Wait let me go with you...!" Moke tried to follow Fukase, but numbness from his legs and pain from his back avoided him to do anything further; he was forced to lay back in bed.

The redhead had to laugh for a bit by this. "First time problem, blueberry."

Moke blushed hard; he stared back at Fukase. "Your fault..."

"Well, you'll have to get used to it though." Fukase has done dressing and was ready to get out from the room. "... Or I should say, I'll make you get used to it."

"You...!" Moke felt steam coming out from his face and he rapidly covered himself with the blanket when Fukase opened the bedroom door; knowing his family well he knew his boyfriend would be surrounded by others within a few seconds.

Just right after the door was shut, loud noises were already heard from the outside. Moke sighed, he felt bad for Fukase now.

"I KNEW IT I KNEW IT YOU SPENT YOUR NIGHT HERE!!!" Ling screamed excitedly.

"Well... Moke fancy you so much... I thought you two would do it sooner..." Yanhe looked at Fukase in a funny way.

"How did it go? You didn't make Moke cry right?" QingXian joined the conversation.

"Um... G-Good thing we all came back late last night... Hopefully we didn't interrupt you two...?" TianYi blushed embarrassingly, she wasn't sure where to look.

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