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* Note: Many time skips happening in this chapter.

Fukase did not contact anyone since his break up with Len.

Everyone was talking about this already; no one would have expected the two to end like this.

There were gossips everywhere.

"Hey congrats, now you finally have a chance to get yourself some loving from your crush." Someone passing by Moke was mean enough to say it next to the dark-haired boy's ears.

'Hey! You come back you jerk!" Longya was going to kick the guy, but was stopped by Moke.

"Please don't. Any more trouble is just going to hurt the case." Moke forced a smile. "It's my bad after all."

A big clash came at the front and a guy was pushed to the locker harshly, the force was hard enough to make the guy's nose bleed.

"I-I'm sorry dude...!" The bleeding guy stood up and bowed to the person who did this to him, and ran away as quickly as possible.

Fukase took a deep breath before he deadly stared everyone around him,and started walking again.

His eyes softened when he spotted Moke was ahead of him, but decided not to speak and left.

"Now, see? That's a manly move, you do that and you'll never get bullied." Longya smirked. "You know what? You have quite a good taste on picking men."

"Longya please..." Moke blushed hard by that statement. "I need to go now, okay?"

The tall man watched as his little brother leave to the studio, and quickly went downstairs, hoping to catch Fukase.

And surprisingly, the redhead was just standing near the staircase at the lower floor.

"Whoa! I thought you went far already!"

"I was gonna." Fukase blinked. "But then I thought you'd like another talk."


Another perfect shot was thrown as the boys played basketball in the basketball court.

"Hell yes!" Longya high five Fukase. "You are good at this, man!"

"Maybe a little." Fukase smiled back, though he wasn't looking too happy though.

"...Look, it's been a month now, what do you have in mind?" Finally Longya decided to get into the topic.

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