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(warning: rape/sexual assault)

    the amount of time that brett sat dumbfounded in his chair was embarrassingly long. he hated the way that conversation went and he hated that he'd made eddy mad. that was the last thing he wanted.

by the time brett had composed himself, it was dinner time. he got up and began the walk to the dreaded cafeteria. eating wasn't something he felt like doing at that very moment, or really ever in that place, but god he was so hungry. there were apples available that night and he grabbed one before heading to sit by himself.

after he'd finished eating, brett threw the core away and sat down alone again. the guards took note of the fact that he finally ate something and would tell eddy later. the warden had specifically requested for them to see if brett ate or not, and they were almost relieved to see that he did. relaying the news to eddy that the smaller man was nearly starving himself was not a fun task and the guards were excited to not have to tell him that.

    when dinner was over, brett made his way back to his bunk and sat down to continue reading the book he'd started that day. he stayed in the same position for an hour before the first yawn came, telling him it was time to go to bed. he was always in bed early.

    not five minutes after he'd laid down, he felt a strong hand on his arm and was yanked out of bed. he hit the floor with a loud smack and turned around quickly to see who the culprit was. a man he didn't recognize stood at the foot of his bed with his muscular arms crossed. brett gulped at the familiarity of this sequence of events. he knew he wouldn't survive a repeat of the other night.

    "what the fuck was that? who are you?" he asked, looking around to see where the guards were. both of them were in the office at the front of the large room and neither of them were paying any attention to the events unfolding before them.

    "you're the one that got my friends in trouble, aren't you?" the man asked angrily. brett's heart was slamming against his ribcage and he could barely breathe.

    "i didn't do anything. i—"

    "save it. it doesn't matter what you did. they got punished for what they did to you and i personally am not too happy about it," the man hissed. brett's legs were trembling. he could feel what was about to happen and it made him want to vomit. he was still recovering from last time.

    "what are you gonna do?" he asked weakly. a grin spread across the other man's face.

    "well," he chuckled, "i heard about your performance the other night. pretty good, according to my sources. i think i'd like to find out for myself."

    tears stung brett's eyes and he shook his head fiercely, pressing himself against the wall.

    "please don't. please. i—"

    his desperate pleas were cut off by a large hand over his mouth. the other inmate grabbed his arm forcefully and pulled him into a standing position, laughing malevolently at brett's resistance. the guards still paid no attention to what was happening.

    despite brett's feeble attempts to wriggle out of the man's grip, it seemed that history was about to repeat itself. he knew better than to scream as he was led out of his unit by the tall man and back towards that damned closet.

    closets had been a destination for things like what was about to happen to brett for years. the guards knew it, but none of them really cared about that or anything else that went on directly underneath their noses. the inmate pushed brett into the closet and closed the door.

    "please," brett begged again, "don't do this. i didn't tell anyone what your friends did."

    "i like it when you beg," the other man laughed, pushing brett onto his knees and grabbing tightly onto his hair. brett ducked away from his touch and shoved at his legs, trying to stand up. the other man grabbed his shoulders and pinned him against the wall, his feet dangling a foot above the floor.

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