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    when eddy arrived to work the next morning, he realized just how much he'd grown to dislike his job. he'd never really loved it, but he used to like being in control of people and trying to make a terrible place better. he'd been the warden for four years and was probably the youngest that they'd ever had. everyone liked what he did in his position and he didn't have problems with any of the higher ups. it wasn't really a bad job to have, but he was so sick of it.

    maybe it was because of brett. not being able to touch and kiss the smaller boy as much as he wanted to made his job nearly unbearable. and the illegality of the situation made it even worse. the last thing eddy needed was to land himself in prison. that would solve absolutely nothing.

the sky was gray and the clouds flat as eddy walked down the dreaded corridors of the prison. that day was probably the worst day at work he'd ever had, and it was definitely just because he missed brett. the scandalousness of their relationship made him want the other boy even more, and it was a problem. he adjusted his collar nervously and took a deep breath to try and take his thoughts off of the inmate.

    his office was empty when he walked into it. he told himself he didn't wish it wasn't and that he didn't want to be a small, adorable boy on his couch. he ran his fingers absentmindedly along the fabric of the cushions, thinking of the time he and brett had spent laying together on them.

what he was doing was so stupid. he knew that. he saw an idiot every time he looked in the mirror and he kept himself from them for that reason. it was not supposed to work this way. inmates and wardens were not supposed to hold each other in secret and kiss behind closed doors. they weren't even supposed to like each other at all. it was forbidden.

yet, here they were.

that day at the prison was incredibly slow and strangely peaceful. eddy spent his time holed up in his office except to make his daily rounds through the prison, during which he did not see brett once. but he figured he'd just missed the small boy by coincidence.

it was when he didn't see brett for three more weeks that the fear set in. he knew that brett was still in the prison, and the guards told him they saw him. but why couldn't eddy himself seem to catch a glimpse of the boy? was he avoiding him? and if so, why?

    perhaps their kiss had affected brett in a different way, eddy thought. maybe he was angry. or scared? confused? the warden didn't know, but he didn't like it. he decided to stroll through the library the next day when he knew brett was at work.


    pushing open the oak doors, eddy's heart skipped a beat when he saw the top of brett's head sticking out from behind the desk. his nose was buried in a book, as always.

    "what are you reading?" eddy's smooth voice cut through the silence in the small room, making brett jump. he glanced up at eddy and lifted the back of the book to show him the title before continuing to read. the warden sighed defeatedly.

    "are you playing games with me?" he asked. brett shook his head.

    "no, sir. i'm reading."

    eddy narrowed his eyes at the smaller boy and pursed his lips. the two of them remained in silence for awhile before brett looked up again, sitting his book down.

    "what is it, eddy?" the smaller boy said softly, keeping his voice low. the hair on the back of eddy's neck stood up at the sound of his name.

    "why haven't you been by?" he whispered, glancing around the empty room to make sure no one could see them. brett sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

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