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(trigger warning: suicide (not brett or eddy))

    eddy woke early in the morning to find himself still in brett's arms. sunlight streamed in through the blinds and it almost felt as if they were in a home together, not a prison. the warden looked at brett's sleeping face and sighed deeply, focusing on his lips in particular. he wondered what they felt like.

stop, he told himself.

    this was illegal. eddy knew that. if the two of them got caught together, he would be fired and possibly sent to jail. but, god, brett was irresistible. staring at him in the pale sunlight, eddy could not find a single detail about him he did not like. everything about his face was perfect and the warden wanted nothing else but to close the gap between their mouths forever.

having a crush on an inmate was a new thing for eddy and he had no idea how to navigate it. he'd been in complete and utter denial of his feelings for brett for the entire duration of the smaller boy's stay, but there was no way he could continue. he had it bad for brett yang.

the warden did not want to get up. brett's embrace was so gentle and warm and eddy feared that he may never get to feel it again if he left now. he decided to give himself at least five more minutes in the prisoner's arms, closing his eyes once more.

    three hours later, eddy was awakened by a loud knock on his door. brett's arms fell onto his chest as the warden raised up suddenly, checking the time. he hadn't meant to fall back asleep.

    "sir?" a voice came from outside the door. eddy scrambled to his feet and adjusted his suit jacket before replying.

    "what?" he barked, pushing his hair out of his face and trying to get himself together. brett was still asleep.

    "we've got a situation in c dorm bathroom, sir. they're calling for you."

    eddy took one last

    "i'll be there in a minute."


    eddy locked brett in his office and began the walk to the dorms, praying it wasn't obvious that he was barely half awake. his nap in brett's arms had only made him feel more tired and disoriented than before. he ignored the sideways glances from the inmates as he walked past them and focused on his destination.

    something felt wrong as soon as eddy walked into the dorm. all of the inmates looked troubled—even more so than usual. a strange quietness hung in the air. eddy tried to ignore it and made his way to the bathroom.

    the strange feeling in the room made sense as soon as eddy stepped foot into the bathroom. an inmate laid on the floor in one of the stalls, an empty bag that eddy assumed had once held pills lying on his chest. pale skin, unmoving chest, glassy eyes—all signs of death eddy knew too well. but he hadn't seen a suicide since the man he'd told brett about. it hurt.

    "what happened?" eddy breathed, clenching his fists to keep himself calm. the guards glanced around at each other before the one who'd retrieved eddy from his office answered.

    "it appears that he overdosed, sir."

    "i know that. but what i don't know is why there are pills circulating in my prison. did we not just discuss you all doing your jobs? do a drug sweep. every dorm. now. and call the fucking police. don't just leave him laying there. he's a god damn person."

     as the guards scrambled to follow eddy's orders, he focused on walking back to his office without bursting into tears. his tough exterior was cracking and it felt like soon he'd deteriorate into nothing. not only was he constantly exhausted, he was just so sad. but showing weakness was not an option in that place, especially when you were in charge. the past few days had not been good for eddy's tough reputation and losing it in front of other employees was the last thing he wanted. but he was hurting.

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