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After a long day in school. My brother told me to do my homework. "Felix, I have no homework" I say. Well, I wasn't lying. There was really no homework, given. "Lucky. I'm the opposite. I got a homework from every class and I got chosen to be the one who choreograph our dance" He fake cried. "It's okay, Felix" I pat his back. He left my room.



You've heard of the recital, right?


Felix is going to choreograph for his group

Felix has orange hair, right?




He's pretty popular here


Unlike me


I'm nobody here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

but Felix talks about his sister all the time

You're friends with him?


I just eavesdrop

I mean they're pretty loud at talking

That's definitely Felix



I have homework



I feel like posting something.

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ahgaclown followed and commented. Well, nice. I'll text her tomorrow since I'm sleepy.

Wednesday Morning

"Good morning..." I get ready for school and ate cereal for breakfast. I knock on Felix's door. "Felix!" I shout. He opened the door and I saw his eyes bags. "Are you okay? Did you sleep?" I ask. "I didn't get much sleep" He says in a sleepy voice. "Why?" I ask. "I was dancing" His eyes were closed by the time he said that. "Go back to sleep, you can't go today" I push him lightly to his bed.

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