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Friday 4:51 PM

It's time to go back to the dorm. "Y/n!" Chris calls me. "Yeah?" I answer. "What's your dorm number? So I'll know where I'm picking you up" Sounds reasonable. "Dorm 75-" I see Felix gesturing me to hurry up. "-Oops sorry, gotta go now. Bye Chris!" He waves goodbye to me.

"Chris, again?" Felix says in monotone. "Can't you just accept that I like Chris?" I roll my eyes. "Fine but if he breaks your heart, don't come to em for help" Felix speeds up and walks in front of me. "Does that mean that you accept my feelings for him?" I speed up to his speed. "Yeah whatever" Felix enters the dorm. "VICTORY FOR ME! LOVE YOU, LIX!!!" I enter the dorm after him. I run to my room. "tired."

Saturday 9:57 AM

"Lazy Saturday" Felix turns on the TV. "Isn't it "Lazy Sunday"?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah. Go on your date now" Felix shoos me away. "Felix don't be like that" I frown. "Like what?" He doesn't even look at me. "You're being cold" I continue to frown. "C'mere" He sighs. He hugs me in his arms. "Netflix?" He asks. I nod.


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y/nxx love you, bro @feelixg #siblinggoals
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feelixg my baby sis is crazy @y/nxx
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Saturday 2:46 PM

"How was your day with me?" Felix did the "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" face. "It was great. Now stop teasing" I playfully push him. "Okay, okay, It's almost time for your date. Get ready" I'm quite surprised since he smiled while saying that.

Saturday 3:52 PM

I wait at the couch for Chris. Then I hear a knock on the door. "Chris!" I say as I open the door. "Hey Y/n" Chris greets me. I follow him to the car. "I'm excited" I smile at him. "Me too" He holds my hands as he drives the car. I blush, of course.

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