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Sunday 12:21PM

Chris takes us to the McDonalds drive thru. "What do you want?" Chris asks. "I want chicken" I order. "Me too!" Jeongin says. "Okay, we're all getting chicken" Then Chris tells the lady through the speaker. We pay and we leave.

Chris passed the food to me and Jeongin. "Thanks" I say. "No problem" Chris replies. "Where do you guys wanna go now?" Chris asks. "Felix is probably looking for me now. I should go back to the dorms" I look over at Chris. "Oh okay, I'll bring you back" Chris drives to the dorms and drops me off. He still didn't go back to his dorm cause he still has to bring Jeongin back home.

"Felix!!!" I call. "Y/n! You didn't tell me you were gonna leave! And why is your hair kinda wet?" He touches my hair. "Sorry and I went swimming with Chris and Jeongin" Felix sighs and tells me that I should go take a bath cause I smell like chlorine and I did what he told me to do.

Sunday 2:48 PM

👑 My King 👑

i should block Alena, right?

yeah, go on



babygirl, im bored


wHy bABygiRLllLllllLLLlLLllL

cause why not ;)








i love you :3

i love you too <3


i might be the luckiest guy in the world
to have you

boy, you didn't escape death
7 times like my boy Frank Selak

I'm trying to be sweet

you're never gonna be as sweet as my favorite, TimTam 🤤🤧


but i agree that TimTam is delicious

the best but i still love you

I love you too, baby

9 days later
Monday 5:47 PM

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