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I burst into tears in alot of parts. "Chris!" I shout when I couldn't breathe anymore cause I'm crying too much. "Y/n, calm down. Inhale.... Exhale..." You listen to what he says. "Are you okay, now" He asks with a soft voice. "mhm" I hum.

Monday 3:31PM

"I'm bored as f-" I stop myself from saying that. Chris looks at me with his eyes widen. "What did you say?" He didn't sound angry though. "Fish...?" I'm not even sure if what I'm saying. He looks at me with disappointment. "I'm sorry!" I apologize. "It's okay" He forgives me. "How 'bout, I'll help you practice" He stands up and already gets the stuff we need, I don't know what we need but I just let him get it.

He comes back with a microphone, small speakers and a mat. I gasp. "Wow, this is alot" I look at the stuff. "What song are you singing, Y/n" He goes through his phone as he sits on the edge of the bed. "911 by Ellise" He looks at me and grins. He plays the karaoke version of the song. I sing the song including some swear words. Chris widens his eyes. "Y/n, how about change the song?" He stops the music. "O-" He cuts me off. "Try singing La Vie En Rose" He plays the karaoke version. "I can't pronounce or singing in french" I try to stop him. "Just sing the English version" He smile at me. "Okay!"

I listen to the songs first before I sing it so I know what the song sounds like. I start singing the English version of the song. The song is really nice, easy to listen to the ears. I finished singing the song.

I look at Chris to see his reaction. He was in shock. "Your voice is as pretty as you" He holds me by the waist. We weren't dating so i felt kinda uncomfortable. I remove his hands from my waist carefully so it won't be awkward. "Thank you" I give him a big smile. "How about that dance?"
"Oh! The dance!" I love the dance! It's my favorite choreography so far. "What's the song?" He grabs his phone. "ICY by Itzy" I get on position. He nods his head and plays the song.

I start dancing, I even mumbled along to the song. After dancing Chris looks at me but it wasn't the same reaction when I sang. "Um Y/n, I'm so sorry but you were a bit late on the chorus... Can we practice that again?" He says in a soft and caring voice. "Oh yeah, sure"

He plays the song from the start and I start dancing. At this point, I started to sweat a bit. After the dance, he smiles at me. "Much better. Do you wanna take a break? You look kinda tired" He gets up from sitting on the bed. "Just water and a face towel would be nice" I smile. "Okay, just sit down here" He pats the edge of the bed to signal me to sit there.

I sit on the bed and just after a few minutes, Chris comes back with a glass of cold water and a face towel. He gives me the glass of water and I drink on it "Thank you" I say. I give with back the glass and passes me the face towel. I wipe the sweat on my body.

"Do want to continue practicing or just rest for a while" He sits beside me on the bed. "I think I can handle an hour of practice" I stand up from the bed. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Of course, I am"
He plays the song from the start again. This time I'm more in sync with the song. And again, he was in shock.

Monday 4:56PM

I got tired so we lie on the bed. "Wanna have dinner, here?" He looks at me with a smile. "Sure" I drink the glass of water beside me. He goes on his phone and it looks like he's texting someone. Who could it be? "Wait, oh... Vernon is busy" He says with a sad face. So, it's Vernon. "Oh... What's he busy with?" I ask. "Oh, uh, um. He's busy with practice" He sounds kinda nervous. "hm... Yeah, sure" I smirk. "No! Really!" I don't know if he's lying or not anymore. "Okay, fine"

Chris' POV

Y/n agreed on having dinner here. I pull out my phone and text Vernon.

canadian city



y/n agreed on having dinner

that's great!

can you leave the dorm
for a while??


okay fine

thanks mate :')

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