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Saturday 10:26

Oh shoot! I forgot to ask him where.


Hey, where are we meeting up?

At the café

Sorry, I forgot to tell you😞

Don't be sorry💙

I head to the café. I sat down at a table. I wait for him. "Hey sorry, I just needed to get ready" He sat beside me. I pull out my Books, notebooks and other stuff. "What's are you studying, now?" He asked. "I didn't finish studying Physics last night so... Physics" I grab my physics book.


"Yeah, but what do you mean?" I ask. "I mean, This says 'V = RI' so-" I cut him off. "OHHH! I get it now" I say. He sigh. "Let's study Geometry" Chris says. "Sure" I get my Geometry book and notebook.

I put both of my hands on my lap. He started teaching me. In mid-discussion he holds my hand. It's kinda awkward, for me. "Y/n, are you listening?" He looks at me. "Huh? Uh, yeah" I smile. He gave me the 'I don't believe you look' but he continued.

Then I got a text from someone. I check my phone. It was Felix. "Wait, Felix just texted me" I say. "Okay" He stopped.

big bro💗💞

When are you coming back?

I'm still studying

you're taking a very long time

Can you take a pic of the your stuff?

you don't believe me? :(

I didn't say that

Duh, you texted it


I love you

I love you too...


Okay, gtg study


"Okay, continue" I say. "Hey, I just noticed something" He says. "What?" I ask. He gets something from his backpack. It was a white hoodie. "How many hoodies do you have?" I ask. "Too much to count" He puts the hoodie on my lap. I gave him a confused look. "Your wearing shorts" He says. I'm completely done with this guy, but I love him.

"But it's already so hot" I pout. "People might look at you" He says. "No one will look at me, Chris" I removed the hoodie and give it back to him. "No, it's yours now" He gives it to me. "What? No! I already have 2 of your hoodies!" I give it to him. "Take it. Come on, please" He begs. "Why are you forcing me to take something?" I ask. "Uh... Cause I want to..." Oh god. This guy.

"Fine" I take the hoodie and I was about to put it in my backpack but he grabs my hand. "Put it on your lap" He says. I have a feeling he likes me but I don't want to assume. I put the hoodie on my lap, covering every inch of my lap.

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