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Chris' POV
Monday 6:21PM

"so.. what do you wanna eat?" I ask her while she looks around my room. "Oh um.. what do you have?" she takes a break from looking at my stuff. "we have.. wait I'll just check haha" I laugh nervously. She giggled.

I go to the kitchen and all we have is chicken and spaghetti. I make a poker face. I don't know if she'll like it. I mean, It's chicken and spaghetti. Who won't like that?
I go back to my room, where she is.
"So, we only have chicken and spaghetti right now" I scratch my nape. "Oh! Okay" she gets up and goes to the kitchen. I give a confused look.
Then I realized that she was going to cook.
"Y/n, you don't need to cook! I'll cook for you" I stop her. "Fine, I'll just watch you here" She sits on the chair, the kitchen and the dinning room is the same room so the chair is just near where all the kitchen stuff are.

"Do you want it roasted or fried?" I turn back to look at her and she was just staring at me. "Y/n, are you there?" I ask. "Y-yeah, of course I'm here and I want chicken" She stutters. "No, I mean do you want it roasted or fried?" I ask again. "Um, fried"
I get the raw chicken and put them on a plate. Next, I get a pan and put the pan on the stove, then I turn on the stove as the pan was heating up, I put oil on the pan. I grab a tong so I can transfer the raw pieces of chicken to the pan. While it was cooking, I salt the cooking chickens. I also put some pepper. After cooking the chickens, I put them on a clean plate.

I give the plate of chickens to Y/n. She looks like she was drooling. I just laugh at her reaction. I pass her a plate and utensils. "Thank you" She says.
"Don't need to say thank you, I just like- doing this" Oh shoot! I almost spilled out my secret. Which is that I like her. She takes one chicken leg. "Woah~ Chris, you're really good at cooking!" She smiles like a cute baby.

I'm happy that she likes my cooking. I also taste the chicken. Wow, It is delicious. I really like my cooking. "Wow, you're right" I laugh.
We just talk together while we eat, laugh together, just normal stuff.

After a while, say says that she's full. It makes sense since she ate 4 pieces of chicken. "You ate alot today" I say, she looks at me with a worried look. I give her back a confused look. "Am I fat?" She frowns.
Then it hit me. "OH! No, no, no! I mean that I think you really like my cooking" I explain to her. Her face lights up and she smiles.

"Hm, what to do, now" She jumps to my bed and lays down comfortably. Then we hear a knock on the door. I go to the door and open it. It's just Seungmin. "I need to talk to Y/n" He says. "Yeah sure" I let him in and I lead him to my room cause that's where Y/n is.

Y/n's POV

Chris leaves to get the door. When he comes back, he comes back with Seungmin. "Y/n" Seungmin calls my name. "Yes?"
"Do you have your phone on mute?" He asks. "Yeah probably, why? Did someone text me?" I grab my phone to see 8 missed calls from Felix. I widen my eyes. "So, yeah" Seungmin then, awkwardly leaves.
"Okay.... bye.."

I call back Felix. I go around the room to get good signal. Then after about 15 seconds, he answers


"Sorry, I had my phone on mute"

"Ugh, fine but when are you coming back?"

"Oh... Oh yeah, can I sleep over at Chris'? Their dorm is near the University anyways"

"what are you gonna wear?"

"I'll just wear his clothes"


"Felix, please"

"I can imagine the puppy eyes" *sigh*

"Thank you so much, I love you-"

"I love you too and wait"


"Mom is wondering if you've practiced"

"I've practiced already"

"That's good! Good Luck Tomorrow!"

"Thanks, bye bye"


"I'm guessing that was your brother" Chris walks inside the room. "Yeah, it was" I reply. "So what will you wear for tonight?" and I just realized I have no pajamas. "Oh, about that.. Uh-" He cuts me off "You don't have any clothes, don't you?"
"It's okay, I'll let you borrow some" He goes out the room to get some clothes. He comes back with gray sweatpants and a big white shirt. "So, I think these might fit you" He passes me the clothes. "Thank you"

I grab the clothes and I was about to change but Chris was still in the room. "Oh, sorry" He goes out the room. I change into the clothes. He knocks on the door. "Are you done?" Chris asks through the door. "Yeah, come in!" Chris comes inside the room

He looks at me "You look cute" He blushes. "Thank you, you're cute too" I smile. "What do you want to do, now?" Chris asks. "Um, cuddle" I move closer to him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and I put my arms and legs on him. "You're so tiny" He says. "I'm not tiny" I give him a slightly mad face. "Yes you are tiny" He smiles more. "Fine, I'm tiny"

Vernon's POV

I head my way back to the dorms. I text Chris so he can open the door while I'm on my way.

emo dude.


I'm on my way, can you
open the door?


He didn't reply right away. I'll just keep on walking.
I get to the front door of our dorm and it's still not opened. I text Chris to open it. I even slammed him and yet there is no answer. He's probably sleeping. I'll just call the locksmith.

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