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Tuesday 11:57 AM

It's break time so I immediately went to Vernon to ask why he posted a photo of me and Chris sleeping together. I got alot of stares and I got uncomfortable. Then Chris comes up to me. We got alot of smiles but I got some disgusted looks from some girls, probably from Chris' fanbase. Wow, this school is like an industry. Scandals.

"Hey, did you find out?" Chris whispers to me. "About the photo Vernon posted? If that, yeah. Do you know where he is?" I ask. "He's at room E-7" He goes ahead to lead me to room E-7.

He knocks at the door. Then a guy, not Vernon, peaks out. "Xavier, let us in" Chris says in monotone. "Is that Y/n?!" He was surprised. "Hi Y/n!" I say hi back, of course.
"Okay, now let us in" Chris quickly says. Xavier let's us in the room.

"Where's Vernon?" I ask. "Oh, he's in the bathroom" Xavier just told us now. Chris makes an annoyed face then pulls me to the bathroom. I tried stopping him cause it's the men's bathroom but he didn't let go.  So, now I'm in the men's bathroom with Chris but, luckily no one else was there. "Vernon!" Chris shouts. Vernon hesitantly walks out the cubicle.

"Vernon, I've got a question" Vernon looks at me as I say that. "Why did you post that photo?" I ask. "It's just... I mean it's really... The reason is dumb-" Vernon gets cut off by Chris. "Why did you post it?" Chris says in a strong voice. "Hey hey hey, why are you mad though...?" Vernon says with a scared tone. "Oh, that's cause Chris' fanbase would attack me" I'm not that mad though. "Oh"
"So what was your reason?" Chris asks still with a mad face. "It's just cause... You weren't opening the door so I had to get the lo-" Vernon didn't even get to finish his sentence. "I WAS ASLEEP, VERNON! ASLEEP!" I try to calm down Chris by holding his hand and rubbing it. "I know! I know! I'm sorry!" Vernon looks down. "Sorry won't fix this" Chris continues to be mad. "Chris, getting mad doesn't fix this either" I say to him. "You're fine with this!?" He was surprised. "I mean, I'm kinda mad but at least he deleted it." I explain, then he just walks away. I walk after him, leaving Vernon in the men's bathroom.

"Chris! Why'd you leave like that?" I grab his hand to make him stop walking away. "I'm just... Embarrassed" He looks down. "Don't worry, it's okay" I smile. He smiles back. Then the bell rings. "Gotta go. Bye, Y/n!" Chris walks away. I wave goodbye.

Then I realize that we spent our whole break not eating. I'm hungry.

Tuesday 4:12 PM

"Miss Y/n Lee, come to my office" She says through the microphone of the School's speaker. I make my way to the office. I knock on the door and she replied "Come in". She sees that the person who was knocking was me and smiled "Y/n, take a seat" She gestures me to take a sethat. I sit down.

"Y/n, do you want to have a dorm in the University's dorm building? Your brother, Felix, decided to stay home but how about you?" She asks. "Um, can I say my answer tomorrow cause I need to ask my parents" I nervously say. "Oh! That's okay, that's okay" She smiles. "You may go now" I get up from my seat and head off.

I look for Felix. I see Felix with Seungmin. "Felix! Seungmin!" They look my way. "Oh hey Y/n. How's your first day?" Felix hugs me. "Drama but amazing" I smile. "wait. What drama?" Felix pulls me away. "I'm going now" Seungmin walks away, slowly. "Vernon kinda, uh, posted a photo of me and Chris and it caused Chris' fans to get mad at me so... BUT! It's okay, I'm okay" I try to explain to him. He sighs until he realizes something. "Vernon? Why'd he do that?" How does he know Vernon. "How'd you know Vernon?" I question. "I just see him around but why'd Vernon do that?" He asks. "Just something ridiculous" I try to brush it off and walk away but Felix pulls me. "Tell me" He says seriously. "Chris was already sleeping so Vernon couldn't get in the dorm cause the door was locked so Vernon took revenge" Felix was about to get mad. "BUT don't get mad please" He sighs. "Let's just go home" Felix walks out the University and I follow but before we left I saw Ella.

"Hey Ella!" I wave. "Hey Y/n" She smiles. "Can I get you're number and the rest if the group's numbers?" I ask. "Yeah sure, do you have Instagram? We have an Instagram group chat" She asks and I reply with a "Yes". I get out my phone and she puts in all the numbers "I'll send you our Instagram accounts when I get home" She leaves. I get back to Felix

Tuesday 5:16 PM

"Hey mom! Can we talk?" I ask. "Yes, of course" She stands up and walks to me since she was on the couch.

"So I was thinking, can I move out and stay at the University's dormitory?" I ask. "Sure, only if Felix is with you. Meaning that Felix will also move out" Mom says. "Huh?" Felix comes out his room. "You'll have to move out to keep Y/n safe" Mom says. "Okay fine. When are we moving out?" Felix asks. "When we get to school, tomorrow. So pack up, Lix" I go to my room.

I get 2 luggages and pack half of my closet. Of course, I'm bringing Chris' hoodies but I'm just gonna wear this gray one. I continue packing my things.

I go and check up on Felix. "You're still on 1 luggage?!" I was surprised. "What? I'm only bringing one" He says it like he doesn't know. "You know, we're staying there for the rest of our years in that University, right?" After I say that, he realizes. I go back to the room.

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