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Friday Morning

I see Oliver while walking to school. "Oliver!" I wave at him. "Hey, Y/n" He walks to me. "Hey, I just noticed that if you remove the 'O' in your name, it becomes 'liver'" I look at my feet. Then I look at him cause he wasn't saying anything and he's just looking at me. "Hello?" I try getting him to stop spacing out. "You're just too random" He says. We laugh together.

"My school is this way, bye" I wave bye to him. "Bye" He says. I go to my school and... Another day being lonely.

After School

I go to my study table and study cause exam week is coming. I'm going to study Algebra first cause it's the hardest for me.

A/N: so I'm not yet in college I'm in high school ;-; so I still don't know how college works. Well, I know how college works but the courses and subjects are the ones I don't know so bare with me

My table is a mess, right now. This is confusing. I'll just clean my table for a sec. Then my phone rang. Who's calling me, right now? I look at the ID and it's just a phone number... There's no name. I answer the call.


"This is Y/n, right?"

"Yeah, Chris?"

"Yeah! I just... Um... Can you open
the front door?"

"What? Are you outside?"

"Just open it"

"Okay, okay"

I hang up. I go to the front door and open it. There was no one but there was a box. I get the box and go to the living room. I sit down and put the box on my lap. I open the box and it was alot of random stuff but there was also a letter.

Here's gum, people say that it helps you concentrate and here's another hoodie. It's your favorite color, good luck on your exams. Try listening to water rushing down the stream or a rain to help you relax. good luck on the exam l̷o̷v̷e̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷


That's cute. I unfolded the hoodie and it's a bright red hoodie. I smile like an idiot while hugging the hoodie. Then I realized. How did he know my favorite color is red? Whatever. I wear the hoodie and get the package of gum. I get one gum and start chewing on it. Ooh~ strawberry.

I carry the box back to my room. I get my headphones and search 'rain sounds'. It's really relaxing. I go to my messages and change Chris' ID.


Thank you ≧ω≦

For what?

For existing💗



but for real

Thank you

For what?

For the gum, your hoodie and the recommendation💙

Oh you're welcome☺

welp. gotta go study

Rest if you need to, don't
push yourself too much

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