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Friday 6:27 AM

I get up and get ready then I go and knock at Felix's door. "Mm" He hums through the door. I open the door and I see Felix laying down on his head, dead asleep. "Wake up, Lix" I shake him up. "5 minutes" He mumbles. "Fine. 5 minutes only" I say.
After 5 minutes, I go back to him with a bottle of water. "Sorry Lix, you should know that 5 more minutes to me is not acceptable" I pour the bottle of water on his face. Then he spits the water and wipes his face with his hands. "Y/N!!!" Felix shouts. "Hehe, sorry" He looks at me like he was gonna kill me. "run" I know what that means...

I run downstairs. Until mom tells me to stop running. "MOM! FELIX IS GONNA KILL ME" I quickly explain. "Felix Lee!" Mom shouts. Felix runs to us. "Mom! Y/n poured water on my face while I was sleeping" Mom looks at me with disappointment. "Y/n, you shouldn't have done that. Felix, don't kill your sister" Mom says and she let's us go. Felix continues to look at me dead at the eye.

Friday 7:23 AM

We get to school and I get greeted by Chris. "Y/n!" Chris smiles. "Hi Chris" I smile back. "Are you still going to the carnival tomorrow? Just asking" Chris asks. "What carnival?" Felix says in confusion. "Oh. Lix, sorry I forgot to tell you. Me and Chris are going to the carnival tomorrow" Felix sighs and decided to let me go to the carnival. I smile brightly and look at Chris. "Yes, I'm going. I'm still going"

After that, me and Felix goes to the Dean to get our dorm key. I knock on the door. "Come in" The Dean says through the door. I open the door and see the Dean sitting on her chair. "Um, we're just here to get our dorm key and uh, move in" Felix says. "Oh, Felix! I guess your mom won't let Y/n live alone" She giggles. "Of course" Felix smiles. The Dean gives us our dorm key and sends 2 guys to help us with our heavy luggages.

We were given dorm 75, which is just a couple of dorms away from Chris' dorm. "Here! This is the dorm" I say to Felix and the 2 guys who are carrying our luggages. I unlock the door and open the lights. "Wow, It's big" I say in satisfaction. "It's big, alright" Felix says. The 2 guys brings in our luggages. "We'll take it from here" I say to the 2 guys and smile. The smile back and go.

I was about to unpack but someone texted me. I take out me phone and see we go texted me. It's from the SweetNSpicy group chat



Hey y/n, where are you?

sorry guys

im skipping first period

me and felix are moving
into our dorms


that's okay, see you next period

I continue on to unpacking.

Friday 8:16 AM

I just scroll through instagram since Felix is taking so long unpacking. I decided to change my instagram username to y/nxx



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