①③ (pt. 2)

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Tuesday 7:42 AM

"Which group will you be in, Y/n?" The Dean asks. "Um... I'll go for SweetNSpicy" She gets up and gets a paper and gives it to me. "Go to room C-5 and tell them that you're auditioning in their group and Oh! I almost forgot. It doesn't really matter if you're Freshman or Sophomore or whatever just after Senior year, you graduate" I nod as she explains.

I look for room C-5 but all the rooms in this floor are all A's and B's. So it must be upstairs. I go upstairs but someone was running so she bumped into me. "Oh my God I'm so so sorry! oh.. I've never seen you before. Are you new WAIT! ARE YOU FELIX'S SISTER!?" She asks. "Yes! I'm his sister" I smile. "Damn girl you're brother is real popular here. Almost all the girls are thirsting over him" She says. "Oh Uh. Yeah he's pretty um attractive" I felt a little uncomfortable saying it about my brother but like... "By the way, what's you're name?" We started walking upstairs while talking. "I'm Y/n, you?" I ask too. "I'm April. Which group do you want to be in?"
"SweetNSpicy" then she gasps. "Really?! I'm in SweetNSpicy!"
"Oh! Can you show me the way to room C-5?" I ask. "Yes! Of course" She leads me to room C-5.

"GIRLS, WE GOT AN AUDITION!" April shouts. "Who?" A blonde girl asks. "The beautiful girl, Felix's sister, the girl who has a high reputation before even going into the University, MISS Y/N LEE!!!" She did the jazz hands. "Great! Come here, Y/n" The banged girl leads me to a mini stage. "Show me what you got!" The pretty girl with cat looking eyes say.

They played upbeat music and I start to dance. "WHOO! Go Y/n!!!" April shouts. After dancing they give me a selection of songs. I only new 1 song from the selection. "I'll sing Panic Room" I say. They play the song and I sang along. I put along of emotions. After I sing they give me some compliments and I appreciate them. "Okay, Y/n. You're in" The blonde girl says.

"We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Ella" The cat looking eyes girl said. "I'm Abby" The blonde girl introduced herself. "And I'm Charlotte" Said the banged girl. "Wait a second... Y/n, do you know Chris?" Charlotte asks. "Christopher Bang? Yeah, he's one of my closest friends. Why do you ask?"

"Cause um... His friend, Vernon, he posted a photo of you two sleeping together on instagram..." My eyes widen as Charlotte says that. April and Abby were also shocked but Ella didn't seem surprised but maybe she knew.

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