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Chris' POV

"Oh God. She sent me a heart!" I panicked. "What happened?" Vernon asks me. "Y/N" I say. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I- Um... I'm texting Felix's sister" I turned off my phone. "You're hitting on that kid's sister?" He ask. "N-no! I'm just chatting her" I say. "Yeah, right" He says in a sarcastic tone.

Me and Vernon are going to dance to "What Do You Mean". I let him choose since I can't choose. I'm not that good at dancing but I'm not bad either. I'm... 50/50, good and bad. My mouth was dry so I went upstairs to drink in the bubbler.

I saw Y/N but, she still doesn't know what I look like. But I'm still nervous when I'm around here. While I'm drinking from the bubbler, I stare at her. She's beautiful...

I was staring at her too much that I didn't see her waving at me and that I wasn't even drinking anymore. I waved back. She got up and walk up to me. "Are you Chris?" She smile. "Y-yeah, um, Y/N?" I pretended like I didn't know what she looked like. She gave me 'stop lying' face. "Hehe..." I say cause I don't know what to say.

"So, can I get your number?" She's so bubbly. She's so cute. "sure" I tried to act cool. She gave me her phone. I put in my number. "Give me yours" she says. "Oh, I-i don't have my phone, right now..." It's awkward as hell.

Then Felix ran up to us. "Hey, hey, hey, mate, don't just do that" Felix put me behind him. "Felix! This is Chris. A guy I'm texting in Twitter" She says. "Okay..." Felix sounded like he was suspicious of me. "Just don't date her" He says. Well, I can't date her... What if I just... don't listen to him?

"Felix, I find your group boring. Can I watch Chris' group?" She sweetly smile, knowing that Felix would get annoyed. "Fine. But when you hear the bell ring. You go back here, okay?" He ask. "Yes"

"Let's go~!" She follows me to Vernon. "Hi!" She waves at Vernon. "Hey, I'm Vernon" He shake her hand. "Why is she here?" He asks me. "She just want to watch" She sits down on a chair which is not far from where we're practicing.

I started the music and we start to dance.

A/N: I got lazy at looking for dance covers with only 2 guys so... Pretend there's no girls there and theres only 2 guys. (First performance)

"Woah~ I really like the dance!" She clap her hands. "Who choreographed?" She ask. "Me" I raise my hand. "It's really good! I like it" She sat down again.

At LunchY/N Lee's POV

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At Lunch
Y/N Lee's POV

"Felix! Can Chris and Vernon stay at our table?" I ask. "But we're Freshmans and they're Juniors" Felix says. "Oh... I didn't think of that" I felt a bit sad since I couldn't hang out with Chris more.

"Seungmin, how long have you been in Australia?" I ask him. "Um... 1 year and... 2-3 months" He sat down on a chair. "Ooh~ Why did you come to Australia?" I ask. "My parents has a buissness here" He looks at me. "What buissness?" He gets up and whispers to my ear. "Sydney Airline" He whispers. "It's a secret, okay?" He says. "Okay. I'm good with secrets" I smile.

"You guys are talking like we're not here" Oliver says. Me and Seungmin awkwardly laugh. Felix glares at Seungmin. "So who's the eldest?" I ask. "Oliver" Jaxon says. "Oliver is old" Felix jokes around. "shut up. I'm just a year older" He says. I like Felix's friends, they're funny.

"Y/N! Wanna see my TikToks?" Jaxon asks. "What's TikTok?" I ask. "The weirdest app" Seungmin says. "You don't know what Tiktok is?" Oliver asks. "No..." I don't know if I should know what it is. "I'll show you" Jaxon pulls out his phone. "No, don't show her. Your Tiktoks are cringy" Felix stops him. I am confusion.

Felix and Jaxon are arguing... "Um... I think I'd rather not see them" I say. "Aw, Why?" Jax asks. "Cause Felix said its cringy" I high fived Felix and he high fived me. "Guys, Y/N is the best sister. No one can compare" Felix grabs my waist and pulls me beside him. "Yeah, yeah" Oliver says.

After School

"I feel so tired" I threw myself on my bed. "I don't know how your tired but, okay" He laughs a bit. I laugh too. I look at myself on the mirror. "Hm..." Am I even that pretty? Um... "Y/N, what's wrong?" Felix passes by my room. "Nothing" I say. "Okay, I'll just cook dinner" He says.

I went on my phone just to post something on twitter.

A/N: oh shoot. The tweet is supposed to so Aug 21

 The tweet is supposed to so Aug 21

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Are you okay?

Doing alright

I saw your latest tweet

U sure?


I just visited Felix's school
(u know) and I think people
only gave me attention
cause I'm Felix's sister...


You're joking

You're sweet, kind, pretty//deletes//

You're really nice too

Yeah... I guess so


I'm going to eat

Okay bye

"Y/N!" Felix shouts from the dining room. "Yeah coming!" I shout back. I walk to the dining room. "What did you cook?" I ask. "Fish and Chips" He says. "Mhm~" It smells so good. We ate the fish and chips. "You're good at cooking~!" I say. "Thanks" He continues to eat.

Thursday Morning

I woke up then sneezed. What. I kept sneezing. Then my eyes got all watery. I sigh. I have to skip school again. It was really cold so I grab the blanket and wrap myself in it. I knock on Felix's door. He opened the door and he was already ready for school. "What's wrong? You look sick" He says. "Cause I am" I gave him a resting b***h face.

"Should I send someone here to take care of you or..." He knows that I know what he's going to say next song he just doesn't say it. "Your choice" I say. He grabs his phone and dial a number.

"Hey, mate" He says through the phone. "Can you skip school today?" He asks. Who is he talking to? "Please! Y/N is sick. I just need you to take care of her while I'm in school" He begged. "I know! I am too but- just please" He says. "Yay!" Felix cheers. Felix hangs up.

"Who was that?" I ask.

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