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A month passed since then

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A month passed since then. Leon left me a text that night and never contacted me again — a text that I conveniently ignored for the longest time.


L: Please talk to me when you're ready. I'll be waiting.


It was me running from everything, again. It was as though I never learned from anything because I sought for my favourite mistake, rinsing and repeating them like a deadly addiction. With just a blink of an eye, it was already a brand new year, but I was still the same old me. Temperatures had dropped in the middle of January, but my heart felt even colder.

There was nothing special about my days, they rotated between school and home. I also agreed to take up a part-time job as a keyboard performer at a bar in evenings, earning money that I didn't need. It was a sudden decision of needing a constant distraction to fill a profound emptiness I felt in my life.

Looking down at my watch, it was half-past five and I groaned internally when I realised that I had to endure another hour before classes would end. While the instructor was rambling on about harmonic considerations, my attention was already lost within my own weariness. His voice sounded like a series of displeasing hums in my ears and all the words never got processed in my mind. I was growing frustrated and restless with each second, feeling a strong urge to get out of class and head home but I was too lazy to reply to the scholarship board on why I had skipped classes. So, I decided to endure through the whole torturous two hours' worth of insane buzzing in my ear.

Thankfully, the hour passed and the moment I was done with school, I slung my bag over my shoulder and got home in the fastest time possible. I kicked my boots away hastily and threw my bag randomly on the floor before slumping into the couch. 

Closing my eyes to rest for a moment, I nearly drifted off until my phone dinged. My hand lazily fumbled around the couch until I grabbed hold of my phone. I checked the notification and it was a reminded that I had work in the evening. Grumbling, I dragged myself to the showers and got changed. While I waited for the bus to my workplace, another notification sounded from my phone and it was Clara.


C: Will you be at Trix tonight?

R: Yeah, you'll be there too?

C: I'll be there with Max and his friends. Come hang out with us!

R: Will do. Love you, Clarabug.

C: Love you more!



My hands moved smoothly over the keyboard, playing the accompaniment for the vocalist. Scanning through the bar, I spotted Clara right at the corner with Max and his friends. I was sure that she also noticed me because she was beaming in my direction. A slight smile curved upon my lips as I tapped my feet and swayed lightly to the tempo when I played.

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