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"For you," Leon said while passing a plate of eggs and toast to me

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"For you," Leon said while passing a plate of eggs and toast to me.

"For you," Leon said while passing a plate of eggs and toast to me.

I took it from him and stretched to my side to grab a pair of utensils, asking, "How did you learn how to cook?"

"Hmm," Leon grinned, not answering the question.

Picking up a fork, I scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs and had a taste. The fragrant buttery mix of egg, salt and pepper melted against my mouth in a pleasantly satisfying flavour. I sighed, "This is so good."

Leon chuckled while picking up his own breakfast plate. He stood on the other side of the island counter as he took a bite of his toast, munching the crisp as he placed the plate down in front of him and looked towards the refrigerator. Then, his phone buzzed, and Mabel's name appeared on the screen. Unsure why the name caused me to flinch, I hadn't meant to be affected by it but I lifted my gaze and saw Leon's slightly perplexed expression. The ring went on a few more times before he finally swiped to answer the call, hitting the speaker option.

"Leon, are you at home?" Mabel asked.

Leon looked towards me and I smiled at him, showing my appreciation that he was so considerate and meticulous towards me. Gesturing for him to continue the call, I directed my attention back to the food ahead of me.

Picking up a fork, I scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs and had a taste. The fragrant buttery mix of egg, salt and pepper melted against my mouth in a pleasantly satisfying flavour. I sighed, "This is so good."

Leon chuckled while picking up his own breakfast plate. He stood on the other side of the island counter as he took a bite of his toast, munching the crisp as he placed the plate down in front of him and looked towards the refrigerator. Then, his phone buzzed, and Mabel's name appeared on the screen. Unsure why the name caused me to flinch, I hadn't meant to be affected by it but I lifted my gaze and saw Leon's slightly perplexed expression. The ring went on a few more times before he finally swiped to answer the call, hitting the speaker option.

"Leon, are you at home?" Mabel asked.

Leon looked towards me and I smiled at him, showing my appreciation that he was so considerate and meticulous towards me. Gesturing for him to continue the call, I directed my attention back to the food ahead of me.

"Yes," Leon replied.

Mabel continued, "Have you seen the blueprints?"

"I scanned through it this morning and saw a few problems with the design. I'll work on it later in the day," Leon answered. "Have Tyson corrected the issues with the landscaping of the rooftop amenity space?"

Their discussion went on for a while as Leon busied himself with preparing breakfast. He moved towards the fridge and poured a cup of milk, putting it into the microwave and hit start. I was almost finishing the plate of food until he handed me the cup of warm milk and gestured for me to drink it. I sat quietly, wrapping my fingers around the heated mug as I enjoyed the warmth against my cold fingers.

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