(Your name) watched Ko-Lek, as he raised a mound of sand, before shifting it to his right and forming a sand seat, which he sat on. Ko gestured towards a spot before him and (Your name) sat down, only for him to yelp as the sand had  suddenly lift up from underneath him, creating another sand seat. Ko gave a wry grin. 

"Unlike most spiritualities, that I have read about, which focus on just the inner-self, and sometimes on ones surroundings, us sand benders believe in a pantheon of Gods, who when angered, do amazing things like create sand storms or hurricanes. In fact, we believe that the Four Elder-Beings; Kia, Shi , Morana, and Rachana, got so angry at us for not listening to the Priests and Priestess's, that these supernatural beings dropped the famous Si Wong Rock on the desert people, and thus, created the Si Wong desert." Ko-lek spread his arms out, giving (Your name) a grin. "Of course ya do not have to believe this, it is your life after all, but ya need to understand the thinking behind sand bending."

Ko-Lek lifted his hand slightly and shifted the sand beside him, turning it into a Catgator, making it stalk towards (Your name) slowly, as though it were real. (Your name) shifted his right hand towards it, before giving it a pat on the head, which it seemed to appreciate, before it turned its stout little body and walked away, collapsing into a pile of sand.

"Sand is much like earth, just a littl' less sturdy, but overall the same. Like earth, it is not one whole thing, but lots of smaller things made to be one thing. The Gods gave us this power so we could live, so we could learn, so we could maintain the Si Wong Region. So in order to learn how to do any technical, fighting moves with sand, ya first going to have to learn the basics and how we of the Si Wong Tribe use sand bending." Ko-Lek got up as his chair of sand collapsed, and gestured for (Your name) to follow. "Come along my student, we have a lot of work ahead of us." Ko-Lek undid a spare cloth wrapping from around his waist and handed it to (Your name). "Here, cover your head and shoulders, don't want ya' getting cancer." Ko unintentionally shivered, despite the heat. "My Mumma' died of that, horrible curse it is.  Some claim that she had evil spirits inside of her because she was quater air bender heritage." Ko rolled his eyes. "A load of spirit-shit that is I tell you. They said the same thing about my grandmother, and her father before her. The only way that one gets cancer is through the sun burning the skin. Mum always liked to let her hair out, as did Grandmother apparently."

(Your name) stopped, staring at Ko-Lek. Ko stopped a few seconds later after he noticed no one was following him. "Your ancestry is air bender?!"

Ko nodded and winced as he turned back towards (Your name). "Yeah, was escaping the Fire-nation at the time, and came to the Si Wong Desert. The Fire-Nation were not brave enough to survive the Si Wong Desert, too harsh of an environment for them. Didn't bother lookin'. Then my great great Grandmother Hura met my great great Grandfather Eljin. Grandmother Hura actually saved my Grandfather from a Sand Shark, funnily enough..."

"THERE ARE SHARKS IN THE SAND!!!" (Your name) gulped as he looked around himself.

"Yep, really hard to detect, but if your skilled enough at sand bending, you can feel the ripples they make as they go through the sand." Ko looked at his nails, shifting sand out from underneath them. "Huge they are, and the biggest scariest creature you have ever seen. Can eat a sand-sailor easily. We had a funeral a couple of weeks ago because four of our members were killed by a Sand Shark."

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine, happens all the time."

They kept walking to who-knows-where and an awkward silence prevailed between the pair before (Your name) broke the silence.

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