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Lol guys...this is gonna be intersting...XD

You were sitting on the couch, minding your own beeswax when Artemis came and sat by you.That was weird.

"Y/n?" He crossed his legs and sinpped some tea.

You yawned and put your hands behind your head "Yeah?" He looked a but hoped he wasnt sick."Are you sick arty? You look a bit red." You furrowed your eyebrows.

"No, im fine...Let me go put this up..." He stood halfway up and then managed to trip on god knows what, sending tea all over your BRAND.NEW.TOP.

"D'arvit" he winced as you got up, with a very mad look to him, and went to get it off.He followed you into the kitchen where you were trying to get some of it off..but to no avail.

"Here, just let me go gwt one of my shirts" he walked off into the labrynth of hallways and came back a couple minutes later with a button up."Here."he handed it to you.

"Thanks arty, Its no big deal" you smiled and walked into the bathroom to change.


"Oh god arty why do your shirts have to be so...tight!?" You huffed as you tried to button it up as far as it would go.And then a button literally popped off.You facepalmed and sighed, then walked out.

"Arttyyyyy" You groaned as you walk back to he couch "Why are your shirts so freaking tight!?"

Artemis looked up from a book and pursed his lips "Thats all we have, Y/N." He chided, his gaze lingering on your shirt..not to discreetly.You looked down and your face erupted in flames...the shirt's whole top half of buttons had come undone.Leaving you in your bra.Awkward.

"Um." You grabbed a pillow and put it to your chest "Sorry about your shirt, Arty"

"Its quite alright Y/N" He tried to go back to the book, but he kept glancing up.

"I think ill go home and change...." you smiled sheepishly and then joked at his now nosebleeding face "unless you dont want me too"

"If it wouldnt be a problem" he stated simply.

Your mouth turned into an O shape.

"It looks immensly better on you than it did  on me" He smirked. Jesus. Was orion gettin frisky or something!?

"A-Artemis?" You warily asked as your eyes went wide.

"Yes?" He answered.

"You are so messed up..." You laughed and walked out the door.That was a good joke, he almost had you going...

Meanwhile he stood by the window muttering "Was it something i said?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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