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I stretched arching my back as my spine made enjoyable crackingsounds as I stood I began more fully stretching, allowing my body towake up. Heading out of my bedroom I glanced to the living room whereKohmus was still asleep and I smiled a bit seeing how he sleptsoundly. He was still mostly covered in the age-yellowed bandageseverywhere but his lower face exposed from right at his nostrils tohis jaw, exposing the leather like skin. He was fast asleep, I couldtell he was with his chest slowly moving and his mouth was opened theslightest bit allowing puffs of breath.

I moved over to the bathroom to start my morning routine and by thetime I came back he was still sleeping, and I couldn't help but smileas I saw him looking so innocent, he seemed so relaxed, there wasalways a slight sadness to his eyes and a tightening of the skinaround his mouth-I didn't know if that was the only place or the restof him would be tense, considering that every other part of his bodywas covered in bandages except for the lower half of his face and thebright yellow eyes shining through, a deep yet bright yellowsomewhere between sunflower yellow and topaz, so different then theyellow of his bandages that looked closer to brown then his eyes.

It was Sunday, and I had no work today, but would tomorrow. I lovedbeing able to take some time to relax over the weekend; I wasn't onefor parties or staying up too late as long as I could sleep sincelike everyone else sleepless nights weren't uncommon. It was nice toallow myself to sleep however late I wanted, and to have a nicebreakfast that I didn't have to hurry to make or get up early for. Icould just relax and not be so go, go, go.

Kohmus has been going over things and working hard to learn how toclean, I had to do the dishes because of his bandages would possiblybe damaged, we didn't know one way or another and I didn't want totake the chance; it left me stuck between wanting to get him some newbandages to at least give him clean clothing in the way but I fearedwhat would happen if he took them off.

Going to my kitchen I looked around and hummed as I saw what was inmy cabinet and fridge, I had already gone grocery shopping, Kohmushad helped me put the things away when I got back to my apartment. Ifelt bad not bringing him with me but the fact remained he woulddraw a lot of attention and he said he was a bit worried to be insociety; I had heard of the mummy Kohmus being taken, that thesecurity cameras had suddenly gone off so they thought it was a bigring or even an inside job. He told me, and I agreed with him, it wasprobably Nephthys, or Ashe as apparently was another name that his'mama', still Kohmus was worried someone would somehow know so stayedin though he kept apologizing for not being to help me till I got thegroceries into the door.

But since I have all of the ingredients I decided to make some eggsBenedict. It took a lot of eggs but it was so good. I made the food,going with some (Canadian bacon/bacon/favorite vegetable) to go withit, and the warm hollindase sauce ready to drop over the poached eggsthat were almost ready. I smirked as I heard Kohmus moving around,probably waking up right about now.

I knew from a few days that's happened the last two weeks, that evenwhen there was nothing to smell he would wake up when I was in thekitchen, it wasn't his nose that woke him up but his ears, it had tobe me clanking around in the kitchen or he had an extremely sensitivenose.

"Good morning Name," Kohmus said leaning against the archwaybetween the living room, which was now more Kohmus's room and ourlittle meeting place to sit together and talk, eating dinner orbreakfast together, or just talking.

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