First Look

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Leaving Nephthys I slipped into the room seeing a form laying on thestrange thing that lifted far from the floor. I didn't know what anyof this stuff was but that didn't matter as I saw the form move insleep. I carefully moved to get a closer look at this figure, I couldunderstand enough from Nephthys that she might look different but itwas the same soul inside, and it was the soul I wanted. The one shehad once freely given me.

I walked quietly over to her, I do not know if she had the same wayas when she was my Nerfert but I had learned over our lifetime to bequiet. She was always a lighter sleeper then I, though I did alwayssleep extremely deeply. But looking at the sleep I just awoke from, Ithink I have my fill of sleep for a while.

Nerfert never slept as deeply as I did, but sometimes she wouldthough it was rare to be as deep as I slept. Then again hercomplaints of insomnia had stopped a about a fortnight after Ibrought her to complete a private ritual to Nephthys. Sometimes Iwould wonder if it was Nephthys since she did a few days before hadshown herself to me and simply said 'I approve' before disappearingjust as suddenly, if I wasn't able to see her shadows I would havenot even known she was coming.

Since then she never had to complain about a sleepless night. Ofcourse after Achillas, our first child, was born she would sleep sosoundly if someone even walked into our door she'd be awake. I hadbecome a master of being able to walk over to her silently sincethere were plenty of nights that my duties to my kingdom kept me outof our room till she was fast asleep. Her own duties as my queen aswell as her insistence that she spend as much time with our childrenas possible, nursing them herself instead of using a wet nurse.

Of course I made sure that we all have our evening meal together andI gave all our children time separate and apart. Full family time,mama/papa and me time, mom/dad and daughters/sons time. Nerfert hadbeen the second to youngest of a large family and was ignored by herolder siblings and whined at by her little sister who was the babydespite them being less then a year apart. So she insisted that welove them all the same, that they all get the same attention.

When I get to her I gasp, to me the woman laying on the bed, coveredin a simple blanket up to her waist was so much like my Nerfert. Ofcourse she didn't look like Nerfert, (not completely/at all), but shewas my Nerfert. Of course Nephthys had already told me that she was,and I trusted my chosen goddess impeccably. But there was more thenthat, while her body did not matter-it was her heart, mind and soulthat I fell in love with, even though she was also the most beautifulwoman I had ever seen. This woman laying in the bed was my Nerfert,her very essence was bleeding through.

I could not possibly resist even if I wanted to, and I mostdefinitely did not want to, and reached foreword to stroke mycalloused fingers against her soft as silk cheek. That would be theway I would try to awaken her if I managed to get up before her.Slowly stroking her face and long ebony hair till she slowly returnedto the waking world.

As her eyes blinked open I was struck dumb, to see the (eye color)orbs that were so (similar even if not exact/different) as far ascolor from my wife's almost black eyes that looked like there were nopupils. Though the color of her eyes were (vastly/slightly) differentthey still had the same spark, the same care, the same intelligencein them. I was used to seeing the sleepy look that was so adorableand I couldn't help but smile but did keep my chuckle in.

She looked around before reaching to something beside her more ofthat strange non-moving light took over. She didn't seem to sense mestanding before her, then again normally I would stay leaning overher, as soon as her eyes opened I'd kiss her all the way awake. Shefirst rubbed her eyes getting rid of the last of sleep from thosebeautiful eyes, the eyes that were once ebony but were now (stone thesame color as your eyes), and taking a strange small closed jug andtook a pull of what I would guess was water since it was clear. Itwas then that she looked around when she sees me her eyes widen. Iknew that she was about to scream.

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