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"Why? What about tom!" You yelled. You felt tears streaming down your eyes out of frustration.

"I know y/n. But you are still promised to him we'll just moving for awhile. You'll still marry him." Your mother sighed.

"Fine" you called down there was no use in fighting her. She wasn't gonna change her mind. It wasn't like she wanted to do this to you, she still needed a job to support you.

"We move tomorrow I've already packed your things" your mom said as you walked towards the door.

"Okay I'm going to tell tom. I'll be back later." I said.

"Okay but you better just talk and nothing else." Your mother said. You nodded.

You walked towards the home of you best friend, your first crush, your future husband. Your mother and his mother thought it would be a good idea for you two to be promised to once another. I thought that Tom would hate the idea but to your surprise he told you he had feelings for you and was happy knowing where his future was leading him too. You were happy as well, you also had a crush on tom.

You knocked at the door and he opened. He had long emo hair and was rather handsome. He looked like Mikey way if he had dark black hair. You smiled as you saw him.  He had hazel eyes and he smiled when he saw you but his smile faded once he saw your eyes. He could always tell when you had been crying no matter how hard you try to hide it.

"Hey love what's up?" He asked. He was concerned.

You sighed. "Can we talk?" You said and Tom looked at you worried. He gulped and pushed his hair out of his eyes a habit he would do when he was nervous about something.

"Yeah sure. Is something wrong?" He asked. He headed out of the house and you two started walking. The sky was cloudy and it was cool. The sun was gonna set in a hour you thought. You two walked down the street and headed to the pond that was around the corner and headed to one of the benches. You sighed and sat down at one of the benches and Tom followed and sat down with you. He held your hand and you squeezed it.

"You okay y/n?" He said. Looking at you pushing a hair behind your ear and looking at your eyes. His eyes clouded with worry.

"No. I'm moving." You said. He looked at you confused.

"What?" He said his face going blank.

"I'm moving away Tom. I move tomorrow. This will be the last time I will see you." I said feeling your voice crack a bit.

"What why?" He said. He held your hand tightly.

"My mom got a new job we leave tomorrow. She didn't tell me till the last minute seeing she didn't want to stress me out" I sighed.

"That's awful. You can't leave, we start highschool tomorrow. We were gonna go on our first date soon now that we are fifteen. Our parents were gonna let us have time to be alone. I wanted to take you to the fair-  " he said, he was listing things he was looking forward to do now that we turned fifteen and starting highschool. We weren't allowed to be alone with one another without one of our parents. But since we started highschool soon our parents promised we would be responsible enough to hang out with each other unsupervised.

"I know but I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry tom" you said tears forming.

"Marry me now. So you can stay with me." He said desperately. You looked at him shocked that he would say that. But you saw the tears in his eyes he really didn't want to see you go.

"Tom we are fifteen we can't get married" you said smiling sweetly that he was trying to get you to stay.

"I know. But I just don't want you to leave." He said holding your face with his hands. His eyes were tearing up.

"I don't wanna leave. But I have too." You said. Looking at him. You hugged him tightly.

"I'll write to you. You'll come back. After all you still are going to be my future wife. I'm promised to you and you to me." He said holding your cheek.

It was true, you were promised to marry Tom once you two got older. You expected him to be mad about it but it gave him confidence to confess his feelings to you. He was your friend since you were a little kid. He was there since you can walk. You blushed remembering those days. You felt tears in your eyes you really didn't want to leave your only friend.

"Hey, don't cry. It's gonna be okay. Once highschool is over I'll find you, we start college and once I'm done I'll get a home and we can live together" Tom said and smiled. He was trying to get you to feel better. He knew there was nothing he could do. He just wanted to cheer you up something he always did. He wanted you to be happy.

"You mean that?" You said and Tom held you hand and kissed you. You blushed and pulled away feeling shy you smiled.

"Of course I do. I'll miss you but I promise it will be okay." Tom said and you two hugged. You cried into his chest but he didn't care.

"Here take this" he said taking off the necklace he was wearing. He always wore it and would never take it off. It was a necklace with a ring on it. It was a simple silver ring it had engravings in it of roses. And a diamond in the roses. He wrapped it around your neck.

"Tom you never take this off. You've had it for years" you said.

"Yeah cause it's important to me. This ring was my mom's. Before she passed she gave it to me. It's the ring I'll use to propose to you in the future. And now you have it to remember our future together. Don't wear it I wanna be the one who puts it on your finger." He smiled.

You cried and hugged him, you two kissed once last time and you headed home. You packed your things and sighed at every box that was taken out of your room and placed into a moving truck. You kicked the trash mad that you were moving away so suddenly.

Why couldn't she told me a week before a month. Hell I would of even settled for a day!

I packed the last of my things my posters of many punk artists gone. My record player gone and my bed was the only thing that remained.

I laid on my bed and just fell asleep knowing in the morning I would leave my town.

I woke up and headed into my mom's car. I said goodbye to my home and we drove away. I didn't cry knowing that it wouldn't do anything. It would just make me more sad to cry.

We started driving a few towns over and finally made it after four hours. We got into the home. It was the same size of the last one and we started in packing. I started putting stuff away in my room. Placing a photo of me and Tom on the wall. I smiled and hugged the framed picture already missing him.

I miss that idiot

I started unpacking my record player and other things. I hung my posters and once I was done it looked like my old room. I headed down and saw my mom telling the movers where to place the couches and so on. They finished rather fast and after a few hours we were moved in. We still had some boxes to unpack. But those were just clothes, blankets, pillows, random books and so on. My mom sat on the couch and set up the television. I sighed and laid on my bed.

I'm starting school tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to this. I won't know a single person there.

I sighed and walked down stairs and saw my mom talking on the phone. I sat next to her and she hung up.

"Pizza is on the way" she smiled.

"Cool" I sighed.

"Y/n it's gotta take a while for us to get use to the new house and town. But please try." Your mom said smiling.

"I know, I'm just nervous for tomorrow." You said.

"I know. It's not easy being the new kid" your mom said patting your back trying to comfort you.

"Yeah, I just hope it's okay" you said. You headed upstairs and crashed in bed not feeling the pizza.

I hope tomorrow everything goes okay.

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