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"So why did y/n even get into music class? She's into art" tom said looking at Stu.

"Well I guess you haven't heard her play then. She sings beautifully, puts her heart in it. When I hear her sing I can hear the love she puts behind it." Stu huffed.

"Y/n you sing?" Tom looked at you in surprised.

"Ah, a little I'm no good." You said awkwardly.

Looking down at the sidewalk walking to the record store. It felt like a forever. You felt the tension. They kept talking. And every word they would exchange was a comeback of some sort.

"You didn't know she sang? She's your fiance after all" Stu said.

"And what are you trying to say? I've known her since childhood. As if you know her better than me" tom said a bit ticked off.

Stu smiled, he had gotten what he wanted. To get under toms skin.

"Eh, calm down. I just found it funny how you've know her since childhood and didn't know how beautiful she sang." Stu smiled.

Tom huffed he had known he lost that. Stu wasn't a graceful winner.

"When we are alone she gets to sing all the songs she wants." Stu says getting a cigarette out of his pocket and lightning it.

"Why don't the teachers do anything about it? Being with someone like you is bound to be a bad influence on y/n." Tom said annoyed.

"Someone like me? Also they won't do anything about it. That's to y/n I've been doing my homework. And even asked to play at the dance. They see her as a good influence on me. Is that right luv?" Stu smirks. He looks at you and you give him those eyes.

Stu sighs.

After that you three had made it to the record store. You started looking around and Stu went to talk to the owner. You saw tom looking at the metal section.

You looked at the many vinyls organized by letter. You looked the b and found nothing Beatles related.

"Miss you looking for something?" The owner said. You looked around and saw Stu had already finished and was looking around the store. A few vinyls in his hand already.

"Oh do you have any Beatles records?" You asked.

"Check that section by the boy with the blue hair" the owner pointed and you nodded.

You walked over to Stu.

"I didn't know you liked the Beatles?" You chuckled looking at him.

"I know you like them" he said. You blushed and looked through them.

You sighed. Nothing. They all were vinyls you already had. You were hoping to find rubber soul and the magical mystery tour.

"Nothing princess?" Stu asked.

"Nah, I already have most of these." You sighed.

"I remember I got you some of them, princess" tom said putting a hand on your back. He looked at Stu, he looked mad.

"Sorry, I just call her that. No harm done. We wouldn't want to upset the princess huh?" Stu said. His voice having that crackle in it. But he sounded sly.

"No" tom said he looked down at you and walked to the cashier a vinyl in hand. Your hand in the other.

"Tom you have to slow down your practically yanking my arm" you said.

"I'm sorry y/n. Are you hurt?" Tom said once you two had gotten out of the record store.

"No I'm fine but, you look mad. You know I said it would mean a lot of you to got along." You sighed.

"I know, but I don't like him y/n. He's a cocky bastard" tom said.

"Tom! Don't say that about my friend's." You huff.

"Why? Why are you taking his side? I'm your fiance." Tom huffed.

"I'm not taking a side. It's called I don't want you to be rude to my friend. It's called human decency." You say.

"Okay. But I still don't like him. Y/n I love you a lot. And I want us to get along. But just be careful around him alright." Tom said.

"Okay" you sighed.

You two walked home. It was silent.


"Yeah?" He said looking at you.

"What do you love about me?" You asked.

"Huh?" He said confused

"You know what do you love about me?" You asked again looking up at him.

"That your my fiance " he said.

"No, like about me" you said.

"That doesn't matter" he said.


"Yeah, it got pretty dark I should head inside." You said looking at the front yard of your home.

"Okay, it was nice seeing you again. I missed you. Love you okay" tom said going in for a kiss.

You closed your eyes and gave him his kiss.

This is different. I feel different. I don't want to kiss him. This feel wrong. I don't feel love. Or what I think love is.

"Night tom" you said and he smiled and pats your head.

You watch him walk down the sidewalk and get into his car. He leaves and you sigh.

You turn to head to your home.

"That sure was a romantic scene luv" you heard.

You turn and see Stu. You smiled.

"What are you doing here?" You said.

"Wanted to give you this" Stu said handing you a vinyl. You looked at it and smiled.

It was the album rubber soul. The one you were looking for at the store.

"Thanks Stu. Why did you get me this?" You said looking up at him.

"Well, I was being a jerk. I got jealous of your fiance. And I pissed him off. So this is my sorry for putting you in a awkward situation." Stu said.

He thought about me and how I felt.

You smiled feeling blush grow on your cheeks. Stu always thinking about others. Or rather, always thinking about you.

"Stu?" You looked up at him. He looked back. His eyes filled with content. He looked happy that he came to give you this vinyl.

"Yeah luv?" He said looking at you. He looked nervous.

"What about me, made you like me so much?" You said.

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