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You woke up early and started to get ready. You head into the shower and hit dressed. You wore a black skirt and a random band t- shirt. You applied simple makeup and did your hair, you grabbed your backpack and headed outside. You didn't bother with breakfast you didn't want to be late.

I'll be able to find all my classes now. I hope this goes well.

You walked to school seeing it wasn't far. You walked down the empty streets and felt someone staring at you. You couldn't shake the feeling someone was staring at you.

You look behind you and meet someone's eyes. He looks away when your eyes meet. You turn your head. He had blue hair and was rather tall.

He must go to my school. Should I say anything?

"Hey-y I haven't seen you around." He said he stumbled with his words. He seemed a little nervous. His hair was messy it also didn't look dyed. As if that was his natural hair.

"No I'm new here actually" you said. He walked beside you and smiled.

Maybe I can get a friend

"Really? When did you move 'ere" he said.
He had a funny accent.  It suit him made him more interesting.

"Yesterday actually. It's all crazy." You said.

"Yeah I bet luv, you go to the school round the corner here huh?" He said.

You nodded.

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Stu" he says with a smile. He had his two front teeth missing you noticed this. Stu looked embarrassed and smiled with his mouth closed he must not like the fact he is missing his teeth.

"I like your smile" you said trying to make him feel better out of it. You always tried to make people feel better it was a habit of you.

" Ah, thanks luv. You never gave me your name, you don't mind right?" He said you noticed blush on his cheeks.

"Oh yeah it's y/n" you said.

"That's a pretty name." He said. You just gave him a thumbs up. You felt some heat go to your cheeks you couldn't help but smile.

He seems nice.

You headed in the school halls Stu walking next to you. He waved bye as you had to go to the principal's office. You sighed and headed in. You sat at one of the chairs and waited for the principal. Since he wasn't in his office. He walk in and smiled when he saw you.

"Ah, you must be the new student." He said sitting down and turning on his computer.
You just nodded you're head a bit shy to say anything.

He looked up your file on the computer and you picked your classes. You doin it surprising you only had five classes. You weren't complaining.

You had history, biology, English, math, music.

Not bad. I wish they had art instead of music. What kinda school doesn't have a art class.

You headed to your first class. Getting lost but you were able to learn the lay out of the school. It was a small school, ten rooms. Well ten classrooms. The rest seemed to be for storage. You walked into your class and everyone looked at you as you opened the door. You blushed out of embarrassment and headed toward a empty seat. The teacher didn't say anything and just continued teaching she just gave you a smile knowing you were new. You sat down the empty seat towards the back and you heard a whisper. To your surprise you saw a familiar blue haired boy next to you.

"Hey nice to see you again luv" Stu whispered.

You smiled and gave him a wave. You took some notes in your notebook. You noticed you seemed to be the only one paying attention to the teacher. Everyone was talking or doing something else. Stu would talk with you and you talked back still taking notes.

The teacher after giving her short lecture she gave a worksheet and did stuff on the computer. You just worked on the sheet finishing in a bit.

"What do we do when were done?" You ask Stu.

"Oh you turn that in once the bell rings. We always do this it's a simple class. Feel like the teacher has given up" he smiled at you. He didn't bother doing the worksheet. It makes me think he just doesn't do much in this class.

"Do the teachers do much in this school?" You asked.

"Nope, you're a good student as I can see luv. Why a luvly girl like ya doin in a school like this one" he asked his head in his hands.

"It was the closest one to my house. I didn't know this school was a bad one" you said.

"We only have five teachers. Most of the kids here don't do work. I'm sure ya would be the only one passin" he said.

"Well why don't you try Stu? I'm sure you're smart." You said starting to draw to pass time.

"Meh not really, I focusing on other things I guess" he says.

"Really like?" You ask curious.

"I like making music, nothin big" he said.

You smile and almost jump out of your seat.
"You make music really?" You said.

Stu nodded and smiled bright at the fact how interested you seemed. How your eyes lit up to the mention of music.

"You like music luv?" He says interested.

"A lot, I also tried writing a few songs" you chuckled.

"Really maybe we can show each other our music." He said with a big smile. He moved some hair out of his eyes.

"I think that would be cool, I never really showed anyone my music" you chuckled nervously.

"Well I'll be happy to be the first" he smiled. You blushed and looked back at your sketch book. You smiled at his comment.

He's really nice. And as much as I hate to say it he's cute.

But that's not bad right. Saying he's cute. It's not like we are dating or anything. Plus Tom is going to marry me when we are older.

You looked back at Stu. He had a goofy smile. He chuckled and he smiled brighter. He seemed happy around you and it warmed your heart.

Class ended and you headed to your classes. Sadly none of the rest were with Stu. And the students didn't seem friendly like Stu. They just wouldn't talk to you. They all had there friend group and didn't care to get to know you. It made you sad but at least you had one friend you thought.

Class was boring it was all the same. But your last class music you were excited for. You headed inside the class and it was empty. The room was the size of a bedroom. It was kinda small. A small piano squeezed in the corner and a small drum kit in the other corner. A small table with chairs and a wall with big lockers. You sighed and sat down at the seat waiting for a teacher.

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